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your choices.”

“Ares! None of this would’ve happened if she’d just stayed away. I’m not sure what she was

thinking. I suppose it’s Mom and Dad’s company she’s after.”

The door opens, and I look up when Raven walks into the living room with a sweet smile on her


“Look, I need to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

Raven frowns at me when I end the call before Hannah even has a chance to say goodbye. She

calls me straight back, and I rush to decline the call, a weird sense of guilt holding me captive. All I

did was speak to Hannah, yet somehow I feel like I cheated on my wife.

“Who was that?” she asks, her voice soft.

I hesitate. “Hannah.”

Raven stares at me for a moment, and then she huffs and shakes her head. She clenches her jaw

angrily and walks past me, heading straight to our bedroom.

“It wasn’t anything,” I tell her, following her. “I told her we could be friends, but I’d been

ignoring her messages, so she called me.”

Raven pauses and looks at me over her shoulder. “Friends,” she repeats mockingly, before rolling

her eyes.

“Rave,” I plead.

She shakes her head and walks into the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind her.

Fuck. What am I supposed to do? I’m not even sure I did anything wrong at all. For God’s sake.

Things have been going so well between Raven and me, and I fucked it all up. I fucking knew

speaking to Hannah wouldn’t bode well for me. I know what Hannah wants from me, and I’m well

aware I can’t give her that. I don’t even want to, but Raven would never believe that. How could she

when she’s had to see me with her sister for years?

I sit down on the bed we chose together, trying to think of a way to appease her. I promised her

loyalty when we got married, and I need her to know that I’d never stray. If nothing else, I want her to

know I won’t ever betray her.

She walks out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel and pauses when she sees me sitting on our

bed. Her eyes flash with anger, and I hesitantly hold my hand out. “Come here, Rave.”

She narrows her eyes at me, but she does as I ask, standing between my spread legs, her eyes on


I grab her hand and place my phone in it. “Check. I haven’t replied to any of her messages. Check

my call history. Today is the first time I picked up when she called.”

“You think I won’t?” she snaps.

I smile up at her. “Baby, I gave you my phone because I want you to check. This isn’t me playing

games with you. This is me giving you the honesty you asked for.”

She stares at my phone, and for a moment, pure agony flashes through her eyes. Then she hands me

back my phone, her expression grave. “Never mind,” she tells me, her voice soft. “I don’t need to see

any of that.”

I stare at my wife for a moment. “You asked for honesty, didn’t you? So give me a moment of

honesty. I want to know why you just looked at my phone that way.”

Raven looks into my eyes and sighs. “Do you remember that day that Grandma made cookies, and

you filmed Sierra and me fighting over them?”

I nod, my dick stirring at the mere thought of that memory. She’d climbed into my arms in an

attempt to snatch my phone away, and I’d pushed her against the wall, her body pressed against mine.

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