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Chapter Thirty-One


Hannah: I miss you, Ares. How long are you going to ignore my messages? You said we could be

friends, but now you won’t even speak to me.

Hannah: I got the lead role in Stars That Shine. I know you had something to do with that. I

know you still care, Ares. I promise I’ll respect your boundaries. I know how you feel about

marriage — I know that better than anyone else. Is it so bad that I still want you in my life? Is it so

bad for me to think that you want the same?

She’s been texting me every day since we had dinner, but I have yet to respond. I’m feeling oddly

conflicted. On the one hand, I’m mad at her for leaving me at the altar the way she did, yet on the

other hand I’m relieved. I shouldn’t be, but I am.

The door to my home office opens, and I lock my phone before putting it away, leaving Hannah’s

messages unanswered. Raven walks in wearing a red nightgown that puts my wildest fantasies to

shame, and I try my hardest to keep my eyes off her body, but it’s a losing battle. The fabric might as

well be sheer for all that it’s covering. I can see a hint of her dark nipples, and I’m not sure she’s

wearing anything underneath at all. I bite down on my lip as I remember the way she looked at me

when she told me that she doesn’t like wearing panties, her bare pussy in my lap and eyes on mine.

What would have happened if I’d just given into my desire that night?

I try to tear my gaze off her and fail. Raven has always been sinfully beautiful, but seeing her

dressed in this way is a turn-on of a different kind. This is for my eyes only, and I fucking love it.

“Look at this,” she tells me as she lifts herself on top of my desk, putting her breasts at eye level

for me. She’s so fucking close… what would she do if I spread her legs right on top of my desk?

I clear my throat and glance at the sofa she’s showing me. “I like this darker one better,” I tell her

as I swipe through the options.

Raven grins at me. “I was hoping you’d say that because it’s my favorite too.”

I look up at her in surprise. “You don’t need to ask me for my opinion, you know? You can do

whatever you want.”

She shakes her head. “I don’t want to do that. I already feel like I’m intruding in your space.”

I grab her hand and hold it gently. “Don’t, Rave. There’s no need to feel that way. This is your

home now.”

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