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Chapter Thirty


I stare up at Raven’s office building, thinking back to the last time I was here. I’d come to pick her up

because I needed a present for Hannah’s birthday, and she’d been more distant than usual. Perhaps it’s

wishful thinking on my part, but could it be that she was acting that way because she didn’t want me to

marry Hannah? I shake my head and run a hand through my hair as I walk in. Lately, my mind has been

a mess. Perhaps it’s all been cognitive dissonance, a way of convincing myself that there really could

be something between Raven and me… or maybe there’s some truth to my suspicions.

The lady at the reception desk rises to her feet when I walk in, her eyes widening. “Mr. Windsor,”

she says, sounding surprised.

“Hello. I apologize for barging in unexpectedly. Could you tell me where I can find my wife?”

She smiles then and points at one of the doors. “Raven is in her office.”

I nod in thanks and push Raven’s office door open, my smile melting off my face at the scene in

front of me. My darling wife is standing by the window, her face inches from Diego Massimo’s, a

famous fashion designer who is far too fucking handsome for his own good.

What in the fuck am I walking in on here? Why the fuck is he standing so close to her? A rush of

pure violence courses through me as he looks up at me. Raven’s hands are on his shirt, and she steps

back when she sees me, putting some distance between them.

“Ares?” She sounds shocked, as if I’m interrupting something, and jealousy uncurls in my


I grit my teeth and walk up to her, my arm wrapping around her waist as I pull her into me roughly.

Her eyes widen and I smile at her despite my anger, my free hand wrapping into her hair. “Cupcake,”

I say through gritted teeth.

She looks up at me, her eyes filled with questions. “What are you doing here?” Her voice is soft

and carries a hint of confusion. I thought she might be happy to see me, but it’s clear that she’s not.

Perhaps I’m not the only one with lingering connections from the past.

I smile humorlessly as I tighten my grip on her hair and lean in, my nose brushing against her.

“Why? Can’t I surprise my wife at work?” I ask, my voice loud enough for Massimo to hear me

calling her my wife. Then I lean in further, my lips brushing over hers. Raven inhales sharply, and I

capture her bottom lip between my teeth for a moment, sucking down on it before I tilt my head to kiss

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