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Internationaleries 35be demystiWed and that public space had to be taken away from the specializedfew. Their objective was to teach citizens how to stop being passiveconsumers and how to become self-governing, active producers of their ownculture and politics. However, it was not until the dramatic events of May1968 that the theory and practice of unitary urbanism were truly broughtinto focus and that “the city once again became a center of games.” 71 Albeittemporary as well as brief in duration, this moment of critical festivities,political upheaval, and urban joie de vivre seemed to fulWll Henri Lefebvre’sspeculation that the festival had the power to bring people back from theperiphery and into the urban center so as to reoccupy the city as its rightful,FIGURE 1.6. Illustration of a détourned bomb shelter. Internationale Situationniste, no. 7 (April1962). Copyright Librarie Arthème Fayard, 1997. The image Wrst appeared in this issue to illustratethe editorial “Geopolitique de l’hibernation”; it appeared in other issues as a visual framing device andas one of the ways the SI tactic of undoing the cold war discursive strategies was performed.

36 Jelena Stojanovićcollective owners. 72 It was Bakhtin who described the festival that is a carnivalas the ultimate grotesque celebration producing a truly radical dislocationof social roles, the upturning of class structure, and “the suspensionof all hierarchical rank, privileges, norms and prohibitions.” 73The events of May 1968 brought collective subjectivity once againto the center of the group’s concerns. Declaring that museums are morguesand storage depots they organized with the other artists and students amarch to the Museum of Modern Art in Paris. As if to Wnally put into practiceone of the Wrst unitary urbanist events and slogans, they proclaimed“Art is the Opiate of People!” 74 As the Wrst Parisian factories were occupiedby striking workers the SI called for the creation of workers’ councils: decentralizedcollectives based on self-management and direct democracy. Daysand nights blurred together into one uninterrupted sequence of assembliesincluding the printing committee, the liaison committee, the requisitioncommittee, and so forth as a sense of internationalism sprang up virtuallyovernight, with workers and intellectuals from all over Europe, as well asmany other parts of the world, suddenly echoing such internationaleries ideasas “Power to the Imagination.” 75 Meanwhile the SI set to work franticallyFIGURE 1.7.Sorbonne, Paris, May1968. InternationaleSituationniste, no. 12(September 1969).Copyright LibrarieArthème Fayard, 1997.

36 Jelena Stojanović

collective owners. 72 It was Bakhtin who described the festival that is a carnival

as the ultimate grotesque celebration producing a truly radical dislocation

of social roles, the upturning of class structure, and “the suspension

of all hierarchical rank, privileges, norms and prohibitions.” 73

The events of May 1968 brought collective subjectivity once again

to the center of the group’s concerns. Declaring that museums are morgues

and storage depots they organized with the other artists and students a

march to the Museum of Modern Art in Paris. As if to Wnally put into practice

one of the Wrst unitary urbanist events and slogans, they proclaimed

“Art is the Opiate of People!” 74 As the Wrst Parisian factories were occupied

by striking workers the SI called for the creation of workers’ councils: decentralized

collectives based on self-management and direct democracy. Days

and nights blurred together into one uninterrupted sequence of assemblies

including the printing committee, the liaison committee, the requisition

committee, and so forth as a sense of internationalism sprang up virtually

overnight, with workers and intellectuals from all over Europe, as well as

many other parts of the world, suddenly echoing such internationaleries ideas

as “Power to the Imagination.” 75 Meanwhile the SI set to work frantically


Sorbonne, Paris, May

1968. Internationale

Situationniste, no. 12

(September 1969).

Copyright Librarie

Arthème Fayard, 1997.

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