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Index 309Psychophysiology Research Institute,47, 63, 66publicness, xv, xvi, 1, 2, 11, 13, 18, 28,35, 38, 40 n. 18, 47, 48, 53, 54, 56,59, 64, 69, 71, 84, 89, 96, 97, 101,104, 106, 111, 112, 116, 121, 122,129, 130, 136, 140–44, 145, 173,174, 183, 194, 204, 208, 210, 212,214, 228, 230, 235, 239, 241, 245,246, 257, 259, 263, 264, 279, 280,288, 291public access cable television, 208Public Netbase (Vienna), 279Pulsa, 197Quintana, Ciro, 123, 152 n. 48, 158n. 113Radical Software, 96Radio Mutiny, 109Radu, Prvoslav, 21Rage Against the Machine, 110Raindance, 95, 198, 219 n. 19Ramirez, Yasmin, 217 n. 6Ramsden, Mel, 77, 81, 83, 86, 97, 93n. 23, 93 n. 29Randolph Street Gallery (Chicago),201Rauschenberg, Robert, 127–28, 155n. 84Reagan, Ronald, 100, 106–8Reclaim the Streets (RTS), 213, 272,276, 277, 291 n. 6Red, 76Red Brigades, 124Red Herring, 87, 202Red Tent, 53Redstockings, 53Reinhoud (Reinhoud D’Haese), 20religion, 206, 217 n. 4, 242, 266REPOhistory, xii, 87, 211, 220 n. 43,296Republican, 2, 109, 110Research Bureau for Unitary Urbanism(Bureau de recherche pour unurbanisme unitaire), 34Residents, the, 214revolution, 9, 14 n. 7, 21, 23, 32, 33,37, 40 n. 25, 63, 70, 78, 99, 114–63,165, 168, 170, 177, 178, 194, 199,202, 217 n. 7, 219 n. 21, 224, 263,270 n. 14, 274, 276, 279, 295Rhizome, 214Rich, B. Ruby, 102, 112 n. 8Rickey, Carrie, 219 n. 22Ringgold, Faith, 197, 218 n. 13Ritualists (Gishiki-ha), 60, 61Rivera, Diego, 165, 166, 178, 217 n. 7Robaina, Roberto, 137Rock Campesino, 124, 127Rockefeller collection (Bicentennialexhibition at Whitney 1976), 202Rodríguez, Carlos Rafael, 118Rollins, Tim, 215Rooskens, Anton, 20–21Rosenberg, Harold, 17, 39 n. 1Rosler, Martha, 100, 103, 112 n. 7, 212,220 n. 48, 230Ross, Judy, 204Roszak, Theodore, 195Royal Art Lodge, xii, 216Rozo Group (Rozo-gun), 49RTMark, xiv, xvi, 111, 214, 215, 292n. 20Rushton, David, 80, 92 n. 8Russian Orthodox Church, 254Russian revolution, 224Ryan, Paul, 198Ryūchi-kai, 48Saavedra, Lázaro, 123, 136, 143–44,152 n. 48, 152 n. 51, 152 n. 53, 153n. 60, 158 n. 112, 158 n. 113, 159 n.120, 159 n. 121, 160 n. 125, 160 n.127, 160 n. 128, 160 n. 129, 161n. 135, 161 n. 136, 161 n. 138, 161n. 139, 162 n. 140, 162 n. 141, 162 n.142, 162 n. 143, 162 n. 144, 162 n.145sabotage, 6, 215, 270 n. 19Saitama Avant-Garde Artists Group,59Samb, Issa, 222, 232Sánchez, Osvaldo, 121, 146Sandinistas, the, 205San Francisco Mime Troupe, 195Sanka (Third Section), 49Sarduy, Severo, 177, 178, 179

310 IndexSartre, Jean-Paul, 8, 248 n. 2, 263Satō Eisaku, Prime Minister, 64Schapiro, Miriam, 200Schiller, Herbert, 102, 103Schmitt, Carl, 260Schneider, Ira, 198Schumann, Peter (Bread and PuppetTheater), 195, 196Schumann, Tamar 196Schwartz, Arturo, 40 n. 26Schwitters, Kurt, 273Seattle 1999 protests, 4, 110, 111, 213,278, 285Second World War, 3, 7, 10, 17, 49,54, 78, 99Sensual Laboratory, 91 n. 4Serra, Richard, 103, 210Serrano, Ariel, 125Set Setal, 246Sex Pistols, 203SF Liberation Radio, 109Sharp, Willoughby, 197, 218 n. 11Shibata Masako, 63Shihyō (“History and Criticism”)Group, 63Shiraga Kazuo, 45Sholette, Gregory, 170, 175Si, Kan, 246Sightseeing Art Research Institute(Kanko Geijutsu Kenkyujo), 64Simondi, Pierro, 21Situationists, xv, 10, 18, 19, 20, 22,29–37, 97, 203, 213, 224, 230, 267,273, 274, 27716 Beaver Street Group, 216Smith, Kiki, 204Smith, Michael, 198Smith, Neil, 219 n. 32sniffen’ glue (’zine) 291 n. 1Social and Political Art ResourceCenter (SPARC), 201socialism, xvi, 7, 9, 22, 115–44, 194,165–68, 194, 208, 224, 265social realism, xi, 22, 49, 120social sculpture, 14, 202Society for Theoretical Art, 81Sōgetsu Art Center, 56Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum ofArt, 105, 186, 187, 192Somerville Producers Group, 104Somoza, Alexis, 133Sony Portapak, 95, 96, 99, 111, 198Sorbonne (student takeover 1968), 36Sottsas, Ettore, Jr., 21Southwest Reports, 104Soyinka, Wole, 231spectacle, spectacularization, counterspectacles,10–13, 31, 37, 47, 124,170, 213, 230, 232, 246, 254, 273Spur, 21Squall collective, 213squats, xvi, 101, 212, 213, 277Squeaky Wheel, 105Staehle, Wolfgang, 215Steal This Radio, 109Stedelijk Museum, 24, 255Stiglitz, Joseph, 150 n 27strikes, 6, 7Structural Adjustment Program (SAP),234Sturken, Marita, 96, 97, 110Suazo, Félix, 133subculture, 89, 90, 91, 101, 126, 203,219 n. 28, 256, 296subjectivity (collective, artistic, political,post-colonial), xi, 3, 6, 18–38, 77,98, 102, 107, 117, 119, 120, 147n.12, 166, 210, 216, 228–47, 253–68,280, 281, 288, 291Sub Rosa, xivSubcomandante Marcos, 278Subterranean Video, 105Sullivan, Louis, 20surrealists, surrealism, xi, 9, 19, 20, 22,24, 28, 38, 49, 50, 97, 150 n. 35Survival Research Laboratories (SRL),197Suzuki Yoshinori, 63Svanberg, Max Walter, 21Szeemann, Harald, 202tactical media, xvi, 11, 275, 279, 280,285Taino people, 195Tajima, Renee, 103Tajiro Shinkichi, 21Takamatsu Jirō, 53, 54, 69Takeda Kiyoshi, 63

Index 309

Psychophysiology Research Institute,

47, 63, 66

publicness, xv, xvi, 1, 2, 11, 13, 18, 28,

35, 38, 40 n. 18, 47, 48, 53, 54, 56,

59, 64, 69, 71, 84, 89, 96, 97, 101,

104, 106, 111, 112, 116, 121, 122,

129, 130, 136, 140–44, 145, 173,

174, 183, 194, 204, 208, 210, 212,

214, 228, 230, 235, 239, 241, 245,

246, 257, 259, 263, 264, 279, 280,

288, 291

public access cable television, 208

Public Netbase (Vienna), 279

Pulsa, 197

Quintana, Ciro, 123, 152 n. 48, 158

n. 113

Radical Software, 96

Radio Mutiny, 109

Radu, Prvoslav, 21

Rage Against the Machine, 110

Raindance, 95, 198, 219 n. 19

Ramirez, Yasmin, 217 n. 6

Ramsden, Mel, 77, 81, 83, 86, 97, 93

n. 23, 93 n. 29

Randolph Street Gallery (Chicago),


Rauschenberg, Robert, 127–28, 155

n. 84

Reagan, Ronald, 100, 106–8

Reclaim the Streets (RTS), 213, 272,

276, 277, 291 n. 6

Red, 76

Red Brigades, 124

Red Herring, 87, 202

Red Tent, 53

Redstockings, 53

Reinhoud (Reinhoud D’Haese), 20

religion, 206, 217 n. 4, 242, 266

REPOhistory, xii, 87, 211, 220 n. 43,


Republican, 2, 109, 110

Research Bureau for Unitary Urbanism

(Bureau de recherche pour un

urbanisme unitaire), 34

Residents, the, 214

revolution, 9, 14 n. 7, 21, 23, 32, 33,

37, 40 n. 25, 63, 70, 78, 99, 114–63,

165, 168, 170, 177, 178, 194, 199,

202, 217 n. 7, 219 n. 21, 224, 263,

270 n. 14, 274, 276, 279, 295

Rhizome, 214

Rich, B. Ruby, 102, 112 n. 8

Rickey, Carrie, 219 n. 22

Ringgold, Faith, 197, 218 n. 13

Ritualists (Gishiki-ha), 60, 61

Rivera, Diego, 165, 166, 178, 217 n. 7

Robaina, Roberto, 137

Rock Campesino, 124, 127

Rockefeller collection (Bicentennial

exhibition at Whitney 1976), 202

Rodríguez, Carlos Rafael, 118

Rollins, Tim, 215

Rooskens, Anton, 20–21

Rosenberg, Harold, 17, 39 n. 1

Rosler, Martha, 100, 103, 112 n. 7, 212,

220 n. 48, 230

Ross, Judy, 204

Roszak, Theodore, 195

Royal Art Lodge, xii, 216

Rozo Group (Rozo-gun), 49

RTMark, xiv, xvi, 111, 214, 215, 292

n. 20

Rushton, David, 80, 92 n. 8

Russian Orthodox Church, 254

Russian revolution, 224

Ryan, Paul, 198

Ryūchi-kai, 48

Saavedra, Lázaro, 123, 136, 143–44,

152 n. 48, 152 n. 51, 152 n. 53, 153

n. 60, 158 n. 112, 158 n. 113, 159 n.

120, 159 n. 121, 160 n. 125, 160 n.

127, 160 n. 128, 160 n. 129, 161

n. 135, 161 n. 136, 161 n. 138, 161

n. 139, 162 n. 140, 162 n. 141, 162 n.

142, 162 n. 143, 162 n. 144, 162 n.


sabotage, 6, 215, 270 n. 19

Saitama Avant-Garde Artists Group,


Samb, Issa, 222, 232

Sánchez, Osvaldo, 121, 146

Sandinistas, the, 205

San Francisco Mime Troupe, 195

Sanka (Third Section), 49

Sarduy, Severo, 177, 178, 179

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