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Index 305Jack’s Society, 59Jacob, Luis, 220 n. 36Jacobs, Mary Jane, 211Jacobsen, Egill, 20Jamaican reggae music, 203James, Gareth, 216Jameson, Fredric, 113 n. 16, 281, 292n. 21Japan Art Association (Nihon BijutsuKyōkai), 48, 50J18 (June 18, 1999), 275–79, 292 n. 9Jikan-ha (Time School), 53Jikken Kōbō/Experimental Workshop,52, 71 n. 2, 73 n. 20Johan Huizinga, 19, 39 n. 8John Dog (Wctive artist made up ofColin de Land and Richard Prince),216Joint-Struggle Group for the Destructionof Expo (Banpaku HakaiKyōtō-ha), 61Jorn, Asger, 20, 21, 27, 29, 30, 31, 39nn. 9–10, 40 n. 22, 41 n. 41, 41n. 56, 41 n. 66Judson Church, 198Kabila, Laurent-Désiré, 235Kafka, Franz, 206Kalenberg, Ángel, 176–79, 183, 185,188, 189 n. 21–22, 30Kalte Kunst (Gerstner), 20, 25, 27, 29,41 n. 39Kara Jūrō, 53, 72 n. 13Kashihara Etsutomu, 60Katō Yoshihiro, 61, 71, 74 n. 48Kawara, On, 63Keishō (Form), 69, 75 n. 67Kennecott Copper Company, 186Kesey, Ken, 194Khayatti, Moustapha, 21Kids of Survival (KOS), 215Kikan (Organ), 55, 75 n. 67kinetic art, 25, 41 n. 40, 185, 196King, Martin Luther, Jr., 236Kireev, Oleg, 252, 255, 269 n. 4, 270 n.20Kirwin, Liza, 219 n. 31Kissinger, Henry, 186Klein, Naomi, 284, 292 n. 25Klem, Tom, 211knowledge workers (cognitariat,creatives, creative class), xvii, 3, 12,106, 117, 120, 125, 193, 224, 232,235, 242, 245, 245, 246, 248 n. 3,280, 281, 284, 288, 292 n. 13Kogawa, Tetsuo, 105, 109Kokuin (Announcing the Negative),60, 61Koolhaas, Rem, 173, 189 n. 16Kosuth, Joseph, 81, 86, 93 n. 23Kotik, Jan, 21Krauss, Rosalind, 248 n. 4, 249 n. 9Kremlin, 255Kristeva, Julia, 263–65, 270 n. 14, 270n. 16Kuhn, Thomas, 135, 158 n. 108Kulik, Oleg, 255Kupferberg, Tuli, 103Kurohata (Black Flag), 60Kurtz, Steven, 11–12, 290Kyoto Biennale, 47, 50, 56, 63, 67, 73n. 32Kyūkyoku Hyōgen Kenkyūjo/Final ArtInstitute, 56Kyūshū-ha (Kyūshū School), 49, 53, 56Labor Information Committee, 104labor, xvii, 2, 8, 12, 14 n. 10, 98, 99,105, 106, 125, 187, 193, 216, 224,235, 245, 248, 248 n. 3, 262, 278,280, 285, 287, 288Labor Access, 105Labor Film Club, 105Labor Media Group, 105Labor Video Project, 105Laboratoire AGIT Art, 230–31Lacy, Suzanne, 210, 230 n. 41Ladies Against Women, 104Las Agencias, 285, 293 n. 28Las ratas (The Rats), 189 n. 17latifundia (private land ownership), 165Leal, Ernesto, 137, 146 n. 3, 152 n. 47,153 nn. 61–62, 153 n. 64, 153 n.66, 154 n. 71, 154 n. 73, 154 n. 77,155 n. 87, 155 n. 92, 158 n. 114,159 n. 116, 160 n. 125, 161 n. 132,161 n. 137Le Corbusier, 33, 174

306 IndexLe Groupe Amos (Congo), xvi, 4,222–51League of Plastic Artists (Zōkei SakkaDōmei), 62Lebel, Jean-Jacques, 34Lef, 201Lefebvre, Henri, 22, 28, 33, 40 nn. 34–35, 41 n. 37, 42 n. 71Lenin, Vladimir, 255Lennon, John, 201Los Once group, 121, 151 n. 40Levinas, Emmanuel, 261, 263–65, 269n. 12, 270 n. 13Lew, Jeffrey, 201Lewitt, Sol, 81, 197Life magazine, 9, 214Linux, 214Lipmann, Walter, 19Lippard, Lucy R., 103, 160, 186, 189n. 19, 190 n. 37, 197, 205, 207, 208,218 n. 14Liquois, Dominique, 181, 190 n. 40Lissitzky, El, 12, 15 n. 19Listservs, 2, 109, 279, 297Llorca, Rubén Torres, 138, 148 n. 20,159 n. 122Los Angeles Fine Arts Squad muralists,217 n. 8Los Angeles Institute for ContemporaryArt (LAICA), 201Los Halcones (The Falcons), 168Lovink, Geert, 279–80, 292 n. 15LSD, xii, 194Lucebert (Lubertus Jacobus Swaanswijk),21Luddites, 3Luther Blisset (multiple-use name),214, 275, 291 n. 5Maciunas, George, 56, 80, 201MacLaren, Malcolm, 203Mad Housers, 212Madre Video Project, 104Magritte, René, 5–6mail art, 63–64, 275, 279Malevich, Kasimir, 5–6, 255Mango clothing line, 286Marcus, Greil, 219 n. 28, 291 n. 3Marin Community Video, 99Márquez, Gabriel García, 178–79, 189n. 28Marshall Plan, 17, 39 n. 15Martinez, Hugo, 203Martínez, Raúl, 132–33, 149 n. 30, 151n. 40, 157 n. 102, 157 n. 103Marxism, 1, 3, 4, 6, 13, 18, 22, 24, 27,28, 31, 91 n. 1, 118, 170, 179, 202,203, 229, 242, 254, 255, 267, 269n. 8Matsuzawa Yutaka, 63, 64, 74 n. 56Matta, Echauren, 21Matta-Clark, Gordon, 202Mattelart, Michele, 103Mavo, 49–50, 72 n. 10Mayday, 289–90, 291Mbembe, Achille, 232, 249 n. 18, 249n. 20, 249 n. 22, 249 n. 23Meiji Art Society (Meiji Bijutsu-kai),48Melanotte, Giors, 34Menard, Andrew, 86–87, 92 n. 6Menéndez, Aldito, 114, 124, 125,127–28, 136, 149 n. 28, 153 n. 61,154 n. 69, 158 n. 110, 159 n. 115,154 n. 120Mercator map, 278Meireles, Cildo, 230Messer, Thomas, 186Mexican Front of Groups of CulturalWorkers, 187Meyer, Richard, 230 n. 34MIBI (Mouvement International pourun Bauhaus Imaginiste), 20, 21,27–28, 30–32, 34, 38Mikhalkov, Nikita, 268Mill Hunk Herald, 104minimalism, xv, 2, 25, 47, 197, 201,224, 227Miyakawa Atsushi, 47, 51, 72 n. 16, 72n. 18Mizugami Jun, 65Mobutu Sese Seko, 235–36modernism, xii, xv, 2, 3, 4–7, 9, 12–14,17–20, 22, 24, 28, 31, 33, 45, 47, 52,60, 80, 117, 120, 123, 174–75, 177,194, 218 n. 10, 223, 225–31, 245modernity, 5, 51, 61, 175, 233, 234, 244Modigliani, Amedeo, 5–6, 14 n. 5

Index 305

Jack’s Society, 59

Jacob, Luis, 220 n. 36

Jacobs, Mary Jane, 211

Jacobsen, Egill, 20

Jamaican reggae music, 203

James, Gareth, 216

Jameson, Fredric, 113 n. 16, 281, 292

n. 21

Japan Art Association (Nihon Bijutsu

Kyōkai), 48, 50

J18 (June 18, 1999), 275–79, 292 n. 9

Jikan-ha (Time School), 53

Jikken Kōbō/Experimental Workshop,

52, 71 n. 2, 73 n. 20

Johan Huizinga, 19, 39 n. 8

John Dog (Wctive artist made up of

Colin de Land and Richard Prince),


Joint-Struggle Group for the Destruction

of Expo (Banpaku Hakai

Kyōtō-ha), 61

Jorn, Asger, 20, 21, 27, 29, 30, 31, 39

nn. 9–10, 40 n. 22, 41 n. 41, 41

n. 56, 41 n. 66

Judson Church, 198

Kabila, Laurent-Désiré, 235

Kafka, Franz, 206

Kalenberg, Ángel, 176–79, 183, 185,

188, 189 n. 21–22, 30

Kalte Kunst (Gerstner), 20, 25, 27, 29,

41 n. 39

Kara Jūrō, 53, 72 n. 13

Kashihara Etsutomu, 60

Katō Yoshihiro, 61, 71, 74 n. 48

Kawara, On, 63

Keishō (Form), 69, 75 n. 67

Kennecott Copper Company, 186

Kesey, Ken, 194

Khayatti, Moustapha, 21

Kids of Survival (KOS), 215

Kikan (Organ), 55, 75 n. 67

kinetic art, 25, 41 n. 40, 185, 196

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 236

Kireev, Oleg, 252, 255, 269 n. 4, 270 n.


Kirwin, Liza, 219 n. 31

Kissinger, Henry, 186

Klein, Naomi, 284, 292 n. 25

Klem, Tom, 211

knowledge workers (cognitariat,

creatives, creative class), xvii, 3, 12,

106, 117, 120, 125, 193, 224, 232,

235, 242, 245, 245, 246, 248 n. 3,

280, 281, 284, 288, 292 n. 13

Kogawa, Tetsuo, 105, 109

Kokuin (Announcing the Negative),

60, 61

Koolhaas, Rem, 173, 189 n. 16

Kosuth, Joseph, 81, 86, 93 n. 23

Kotik, Jan, 21

Krauss, Rosalind, 248 n. 4, 249 n. 9

Kremlin, 255

Kristeva, Julia, 263–65, 270 n. 14, 270

n. 16

Kuhn, Thomas, 135, 158 n. 108

Kulik, Oleg, 255

Kupferberg, Tuli, 103

Kurohata (Black Flag), 60

Kurtz, Steven, 11–12, 290

Kyoto Biennale, 47, 50, 56, 63, 67, 73

n. 32

Kyūkyoku Hyōgen Kenkyūjo/Final Art

Institute, 56

Kyūshū-ha (Kyūshū School), 49, 53, 56

Labor Information Committee, 104

labor, xvii, 2, 8, 12, 14 n. 10, 98, 99,

105, 106, 125, 187, 193, 216, 224,

235, 245, 248, 248 n. 3, 262, 278,

280, 285, 287, 288

Labor Access, 105

Labor Film Club, 105

Labor Media Group, 105

Labor Video Project, 105

Laboratoire AGIT Art, 230–31

Lacy, Suzanne, 210, 230 n. 41

Ladies Against Women, 104

Las Agencias, 285, 293 n. 28

Las ratas (The Rats), 189 n. 17

latifundia (private land ownership), 165

Leal, Ernesto, 137, 146 n. 3, 152 n. 47,

153 nn. 61–62, 153 n. 64, 153 n.

66, 154 n. 71, 154 n. 73, 154 n. 77,

155 n. 87, 155 n. 92, 158 n. 114,

159 n. 116, 160 n. 125, 161 n. 132,

161 n. 137

Le Corbusier, 33, 174

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