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The Production of Social Space as Artwork 239the group foregrounds a critical, discursive activist relationship to the res publicain the conception and organization of its projects. To do so it translatesits intellectual ideals into a series of programmatic activities, broadening itsnetwork among neighborhood associations in order to organize and harnessthose aspirations operative in the Weld of power. Third, the Weld of its actionsand techniques of dissemination, production, and media are carefully fusedas part of the social production of the public sphere. And fourth is its deWnitionof its relationship to the public sphere in the manner that AntonioGramsci deWned the role of the intellectual in the context of culture. For LeGroupe Amos this is principally formulated on the ethics of self-governance.Here the work of the intellectual is both in the activity of particular forms ofpraxis and in the functions that require a certain minimum intellectual dispensation“within the general complex of social relations.” 31 In the Weld ofsocial relations in which Le Groupe Amos has positioned its work, the targetsof its actions are the state and those institutions and organizations—thechurch (especially the Catholic church), political parties, rebel movements,multinational global institutions linked to powerful economic interests—FIGURE 8.5. Le Groupe Amos, Campagne éducation à la démocratie, performed by Theatre MamaOFEDICO (Women’s Organization for Development, Integration, and Community), video still, n.d.

FIGURE 8.6. Le Groupe Amos, Dix ans après . . . Ensemble, continuons la marche de l’espoir!(Kinshasa: Editions du Groupe Amos, 2002).

The Production of Social Space as Artwork 239

the group foregrounds a critical, discursive activist relationship to the res publica

in the conception and organization of its projects. To do so it translates

its intellectual ideals into a series of programmatic activities, broadening its

network among neighborhood associations in order to organize and harness

those aspirations operative in the Weld of power. Third, the Weld of its actions

and techniques of dissemination, production, and media are carefully fused

as part of the social production of the public sphere. And fourth is its deWnition

of its relationship to the public sphere in the manner that Antonio

Gramsci deWned the role of the intellectual in the context of culture. For Le

Groupe Amos this is principally formulated on the ethics of self-governance.

Here the work of the intellectual is both in the activity of particular forms of

praxis and in the functions that require a certain minimum intellectual dispensation

“within the general complex of social relations.” 31 In the Weld of

social relations in which Le Groupe Amos has positioned its work, the targets

of its actions are the state and those institutions and organizations—the

church (especially the Catholic church), political parties, rebel movements,

multinational global institutions linked to powerful economic interests—

FIGURE 8.5. Le Groupe Amos, Campagne éducation à la démocratie, performed by Theatre Mama

OFEDICO (Women’s Organization for Development, Integration, and Community), video still, n.d.

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