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236 Okwui Enwezor

and economic crisis of the last decade of Mobutu’s corrupt, dictatorial misrule

as Congolese civil society began a process of realignment. Taking its

name from the biblical prophet Amos who in the Old Testament is identiWed

with the struggle for social justice, the grassroots activist movement

initiated by members of Le Groupe Amos evolved, in the context of the

Democratic Republic of Congo, an extension of the tactics found in Latin

American liberation theology, infusing their activism with the ethics of civil

disobedience and “creative non-violent action” 30 inspired by Ghandi’s philosophy

and Martin Luther King Jr.’s work. As a collective, one of their

principal quests was how to deal with the crisis of legitimation facing millions

of disempowered Congolese silenced by the venality of a brutal regime.

In a way there was an idealism surrounding this quest, especially when it

concerns the choice to offer a different critical option to the Congolese

public beyond the armed rebellion being waged against Mobutu in order to

free the subjective force of their repressed society by means of direct action.

Four points are important in the work and conception of Le Groupe Amos.

The Wrst is its identiWcation with the political, social, and cultural aspirations

of the ordinary Congolese. This means that all its works, which often

take a didactic format, are produced both in French—the ofWcial lingua

franca of the state—and in the vernacular, Lingala, the language of everyday

discourse among ordinary people in Kinshasa. The second aspect of the

group is its relationship to the sphere of politics and institutional power. Here,

FIGURE 8.2. Le Groupe Amos installation, “Documenta 11,” Germany, June–September 2002.

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