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204 Alan W. Moore

Rican activists had seized a building on New York’s Lower East Side and

opened it as a collectively run cultural center. 29 ABC No Rio was passed on

to successive managements until today it is an anarchist cultural center run

by a collective with close ties to the publishing group Autonomedia.

The longest-lived and best-known of these politicized groups or

collectives was Group Material. The Wrst collective was comprised of thirteen

artists, several of them Joseph Kosuth’s students. After a series of meetings,

Group Material opened one of the Wrst art spaces in the East Village in

1980. There they developed their work as curation, a heady mix of pointed

even polemical political art mixed with popular and folk culture in clean,

strongly styled exhibitions. A show of their neighbors’ objects, “People’s

Choice” (Arroz con Mango), was a key event for the group, driving them

toward a populist program.

After 1981, the group shrank and they gave up the East Village

space. Group Material produced projects in public spaces, including subways

and buses, and on a vacant department store facing Union Square Park.

They began to work from an ofWce in the Taller Latinoamericano run by

FIGURE 7.5. Production still from the collaborative video production Cave Girls, photographed in

the backyard of the art space ABC No Rio, New York, 1983. Pictured are Rebecca Howland, Judy Ross,

Kiki Smith, and Marnie Greenholz. Photograph by Ellen Cooper. Courtesy of Collaborative Projects.

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