Africa Surveyors January-February issue 2023 digital

Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market. Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market.

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INTERNATIONALWorld Economic ForumSelects Terradepth forOcean Data ChallengeWorld Economic Forum Selects Terradepthfor Ocean Data Challenge|image:courtesyTerradepth, a leading provider of oceandata solutions, has been selected toparticipate in the World EconomicForum’s (WEF) prestigious Ocean DataChallenge, a program aimed at enhancingsustainable ocean management and buildingthe blue economy. One of only 11 Challengewinners, Terradepth will become part of theWEF UpLink Innovation Network, includinga mentoring program and partneringopportunities.WEF announced the Ocean Data Challengewinners at its 2023 Annual Meeting in Davos,Switzerland. The Challenge was createdby WEF in response to the United Nations’proclamation that 2021–2030 be a Decade ofOcean Science for Sustainable Developmentand has called for creation of a global oceandata ecosystem to connect businesses,organizations, and government data providers.“Terradepth is proud to be recognized bythe World Economic Forum as an innovatorin creating technologies that play criticalroles in deepening our understanding ofocean environments,” said Joe Wolfel, CEOof Terradepth. “We look forward to workingalongside some of the most influentialplayers in the ocean science community.”The Ocean Data Challenge selectedTerradepth for its innovation in scaling oceandata collection and ocean data dissemination.Terradepth is accomplishing this bydeveloping long endurance autonomousunderwater vehicles (AUVs) that revolutionizethe economics of ocean data collection andreduce its environmental impact. Additionally,as an ocean data-as-a-service (ODaaS)provider, Terradepth has spearheaded effortsto deploy low-logistics AUVs configuredwith multiple sensors to conduct seafloorhydrographic and geophysical surveys for afraction of the cost of traditional surveys.Skydel Becomes First GNSS Simulator to BreakHigh-Capacity BarrierOrolia, a Safran Electronics & Defensecompany, has announced that Skydel,its flagship GNSS simulation enginesoftware, can generate more than 500signals from a single platform. By leveragingits software-defined architecture, Skydel’spotential can be massively scaled upwardswhen employing a robust set of hardwarecomponents. GNSS users, experts, andmanufacturers, as well as those lookingfor an LEO-capable simulation system, cangreatly benefit from this unmatched numberof signals.“GNSS chipset, cellular handset, and GNSSreceiver manufacturers have been lookingfor a robust solution that can generate avery high capacity of signals — with all theconstellations and multiple frequencies –from a single workstation. Skydel gives themthat capability,” explained Pierre-Marie LeVeel, Orolia’s Simulation Product Director.“With the right hardware, Skydel is the firsthigh-capacity GNSS simulator on the marketthat can also accurately generate advancedmulti-path, jamming, spoofing, or the highnumber of signals and frequencies neededfor a true LEO constellation simulation.”Sercel and AP Sensing are pleasedto announce the launch of a jointinnovative solution for comprehensiverailway infrastructure monitoring.The world’sfirst Below Ballast Scan (BBS) solution isthe result of joint technical work combiningAP Sensing’s unique Distributed AcousticSensing (DAS) technology and Sercel’scomprehensive geophysical solution for nearsurfaceevaluation using DAS data. The jointsolution provides insights to help customersunderstand the roadbed and underlyinggeology to better manage their geotechnicalrisks.The BBS monitoring solution provides criticaldata needed for safe railway operations and isan important complement to existing shallownear-surface inspection techniques and railOrolia’s Skydel Simulation Engine offers thebest of both worlds|image: OroliaSkydel contains a rich feature set thatincludes multi-constellation/multi-frequencysignal generation, remote control from userdefinedscripts, and integrated interferencegeneration. However, one of Skydel’sgreatest assets is its open, software-definedarchitecture.“Skydel’s software-defined GNSS simulationapproach is just the tip of the iceberg,” addedLe Veel. “With more and more customerssimulating multi-path and jamming scenarios,and the need for more signals in moreapplications –even beyond traditionalsimulators – the need for high-capacity hasnever been greater. The Skydel engine opensthe possibility for users to escalate to over1000 signals and not be limited by hardwaredesign.”Sercel & AP Sensing launch innovative railwaymonitoring solutionSercel & AP Sensing launch innovativerailway monitoring solution|image: Sercelmonitoring. The use of already-existing fiberoptic infrastructure, together with extremelylong-range evaluation capability, makes thejoint Sercel and AP Sensing solution very costeffectiveand non-intrusive. Assessment of railtrack subsurface using DAS does not interferewith traffic and allows monitoring changesin real time for more predictive planning ofmaintenance operations, especially in areaswith complex geological conditions or highgeotechnical risks.6 January-February issue l 2023

DriX Unmanned Surface Vehicle takes part in Middle East region’s largestnaval exerciseFollowing the success of the DigitalHorizon 22 Unmanned & ArtificialIntelligence Exercise organized by theU.S. Navy in Bahrain, Exail Unmanned SurfaceVehicle (USV), DriX, was selected by the 5thfleet’s task force 59 to take part in the twoweek2023 International Maritime Exercise(IMX 23), that was held in Bahrain and Jordanfrom March 5th to 16th.Middle East region’s largest naval exercise,IMX23 is a multinational event involvingmore than 50 partner-nations andinternational organizations operating inthe Arabian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman,Red Sea, Indian Ocean and East Africancoastal regions. The exercise will include7,000 personnel, 35 ships and more than 30unmanned and artificial intelligence systems,including Exail DriX USV.As part of this exercise, the DriX USV – alongwith the industrial partners brought togetherDriX Unmanned Surface Vehicle takes part in Middle East region’s largest navalexercise|image:Exailby the unmanned task force TF59 – willoperate in Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)and Mine Countermeasures Missions (MCM)tactical environments. This exercise aims atevaluating the use of combined unmannedtechnologies for deployment by the interalliedforces in the Gulf region.“To be able to take part in such a major navalexercise , along with some of the industry’sbest, is both a great honor and a recognitionINTERNATIONALof the hard work the Exail teams put in thedevelopment of autonomous solutions, fromthe design of the platforms and their artificialintelligence, to the services we offer aroundtheir deployment.” Guillaume Eudeline, Exail’sNaval Autonomy Market Director said. “We arenow looking forward to the start of IMX23this Sunday, and are confident that, togetherwith all other partners, we will demonstratethe high potential that deploying unmannedsolutions in the naval domain represents.”TCarta Expands Role in Seabed 2030 Ocean Survey ProjectTCarta Marine, a global provider ofhydrospatial products and services,has expanded its role in the Seabed2030 project that seeks to map the entireocean floor by 2030. Having already directlycontributed extensive satellite-derivedbathymetry (SDB) to the endeavor, TCartahas developed capacity building initiativesto train international hydrographic offices increating their own SDB data sets for Seabed2030 and other applications.Seabed 2030 was launched by The NipponFoundation of Japan and the GeneralBathymetric Chart of the Oceans program(GEBCO) to produce a publicly accessiblebathymetric data set of the seafloor. Theproject is officially endorsed by the UNDecade of Ocean Science for SustainableDevelopment.As a Seabed 2030 partner, TCarta hascontributed 150,000 square kilometersof 10-meter resolution seafloor depthmeasurements from its Global SatelliteDerived Bathymetry (G-SDB) product line. Thecontributed data sets include the Red Sea inwww.africasurveyorsonline.comiNESS Data Twins of Commercial Spaces Powered by Bentley iTwin | Image courtesythe Middle East and Caribbean coastal zonesof Belize and Turks and Caicos.“Seabed 2030 is making these bathymetricdata sets available for coastal resilience,environmental protection, and otherimportant applications outside of traditionalnautical charting,” said TCarta president KyleGoodrich. TCarta has taken its Seabed 2030participation a step further by developingcapacity building training programs toinstruct international hydrographic officesin the production of SDB data for theircoastlines. TCarta personnel completedtraining with the Mexican HydrographicOffice in 2022. The firm will begin a similarinstructional program in Jamaica this yearwith an export grant from the State ofColorado.January-February issue l 2023 7


World Economic Forum

Selects Terradepth for

Ocean Data Challenge

World Economic Forum Selects Terradepth

for Ocean Data Challenge|image:courtesy

Terradepth, a leading provider of ocean

data solutions, has been selected to

participate in the World Economic

Forum’s (WEF) prestigious Ocean Data

Challenge, a program aimed at enhancing

sustainable ocean management and building

the blue economy. One of only 11 Challenge

winners, Terradepth will become part of the

WEF UpLink Innovation Network, including

a mentoring program and partnering


WEF announced the Ocean Data Challenge

winners at its 2023 Annual Meeting in Davos,

Switzerland. The Challenge was created

by WEF in response to the United Nations’

proclamation that 2021–2030 be a Decade of

Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

and has called for creation of a global ocean

data ecosystem to connect businesses,

organizations, and government data providers.

“Terradepth is proud to be recognized by

the World Economic Forum as an innovator

in creating technologies that play critical

roles in deepening our understanding of

ocean environments,” said Joe Wolfel, CEO

of Terradepth. “We look forward to working

alongside some of the most influential

players in the ocean science community.”

The Ocean Data Challenge selected

Terradepth for its innovation in scaling ocean

data collection and ocean data dissemination.

Terradepth is accomplishing this by

developing long endurance autonomous

underwater vehicles (AUVs) that revolutionize

the economics of ocean data collection and

reduce its environmental impact. Additionally,

as an ocean data-as-a-service (ODaaS)

provider, Terradepth has spearheaded efforts

to deploy low-logistics AUVs configured

with multiple sensors to conduct seafloor

hydrographic and geophysical surveys for a

fraction of the cost of traditional surveys.

Skydel Becomes First GNSS Simulator to Break

High-Capacity Barrier

Orolia, a Safran Electronics & Defense

company, has announced that Skydel,

its flagship GNSS simulation engine

software, can generate more than 500

signals from a single platform. By leveraging

its software-defined architecture, Skydel’s

potential can be massively scaled upwards

when employing a robust set of hardware

components. GNSS users, experts, and

manufacturers, as well as those looking

for an LEO-capable simulation system, can

greatly benefit from this unmatched number

of signals.

“GNSS chipset, cellular handset, and GNSS

receiver manufacturers have been looking

for a robust solution that can generate a

very high capacity of signals — with all the

constellations and multiple frequencies –

from a single workstation. Skydel gives them

that capability,” explained Pierre-Marie Le

Veel, Orolia’s Simulation Product Director.

“With the right hardware, Skydel is the first

high-capacity GNSS simulator on the market

that can also accurately generate advanced

multi-path, jamming, spoofing, or the high

number of signals and frequencies needed

for a true LEO constellation simulation.”

Sercel and AP Sensing are pleased

to announce the launch of a joint

innovative solution for comprehensive

railway infrastructure monitoring.The world’s

first Below Ballast Scan (BBS) solution is

the result of joint technical work combining

AP Sensing’s unique Distributed Acoustic

Sensing (DAS) technology and Sercel’s

comprehensive geophysical solution for nearsurface

evaluation using DAS data. The joint

solution provides insights to help customers

understand the roadbed and underlying

geology to better manage their geotechnical


The BBS monitoring solution provides critical

data needed for safe railway operations and is

an important complement to existing shallow

near-surface inspection techniques and rail

Orolia’s Skydel Simulation Engine offers the

best of both worlds|image: Orolia

Skydel contains a rich feature set that

includes multi-constellation/multi-frequency

signal generation, remote control from userdefined

scripts, and integrated interference

generation. However, one of Skydel’s

greatest assets is its open, software-defined


“Skydel’s software-defined GNSS simulation

approach is just the tip of the iceberg,” added

Le Veel. “With more and more customers

simulating multi-path and jamming scenarios,

and the need for more signals in more

applications –even beyond traditional

simulators – the need for high-capacity has

never been greater. The Skydel engine opens

the possibility for users to escalate to over

1000 signals and not be limited by hardware


Sercel & AP Sensing launch innovative railway

monitoring solution

Sercel & AP Sensing launch innovative

railway monitoring solution|image: Sercel

monitoring. The use of already-existing fiber

optic infrastructure, together with extremely

long-range evaluation capability, makes the

joint Sercel and AP Sensing solution very costeffective

and non-intrusive. Assessment of rail

track subsurface using DAS does not interfere

with traffic and allows monitoring changes

in real time for more predictive planning of

maintenance operations, especially in areas

with complex geological conditions or high

geotechnical risks.

6 January-February issue l 2023

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