Africa Surveyors January-February issue 2023 digital

Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market. Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market.

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MININGMiningAfrica needsimprovedgovernanceto reap the fullbenefits of new miningprojectsJason MitchellJason Mitchell is a senior editorat Investment Monitor, with aspecialisation in emerging markets.He covered foreign investment inLatin America for 13 years and for thepast three years has lived in sub-Saharan Africa and written widelyabout the subject from that continent'sperspective. Previously, in London, hewas editor of Investment Adviser andnews editor of Financial Adviser, bothof which belong to the Financial TimesGroupBy Jason MitchellAfrican countries must allow themining of minerals to happen ifthey are to experience significanteconomic growth, but they have to find away of minimising the damage to the naturalenvironment and to ensure that profits helplocal communities.Africa is a massive region, covering threetimes as much ground as Europe, across 54countries, and with a total population of 1.4billion, which is expected to reach 2.5 billionby the end of 2050. However, it is also theworld’s poorest region; in 2021, sub-SaharanAfrica had an annual income of $1,600 perhead compared with $8,300 in Latin Americaand the Caribbean and $13,000 in East Asiaand the Pacific. In 2022, the UK had a biggereconomy than the whole of Africa combined;$3.48tn versus $2.96tn.In 2021, it is estimated that 490 millionAfricans lived under the poverty line of $1.90purchasing power parity equivalent perday, 37 million people more than what wasprojected without the Covid-19 pandemic.Africa requires economic growth and lotsof it if its to lift its people out of poverty.Economists estimate that a low-incomecountry must grow at more than 6% a yearover many years to start to see significantpoverty reduction. The International MonetaryFund estimates that the sub-Saharaneconomy expanded by only 3.6% in 2022 andforecasts that it will grow by only 3.7% in2023. That is just not good enough.Following China’s exampleThe mining industry provides an obvioussource of wealth for Africa, and recentdevelopments in China could prove to besomething of a blueprint for African countries.Since China began to open up and reform itseconomy in 1978, GDP growth has averagedover 9% a year and more than 800 millionpeople been lifted out of poverty, exactly thekind of change that Africa needs.Africa has some of the world’s biggestdeposits of minerals, which are not onlyvaluable in their own right, but could proveessential to the energy transition. Nickel,cobalt, graphite, lithium, and rare earthelements are all in high supply; for instance,Africa accounts for around 80% of the world’stotal supply of platinum, 50% of manganeseand two-thirds of cobalt. The continent alsoholds 40% of the world’s gold reserves and upto 90% of its chromium.Countries like South Africa, Madagascar,Malawi, Kenya, Namibia, Mozambique,Tanzania, Zambia and Burundi enjoysignificant quantities of important rare earths,including neodymium, praseodymium anddysprosium. Ghana is the continent’s largestproducer of gold, followed by South Africa andMali. The Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) is Africa’s largest industrial diamondproducer, followed by Botswana and SouthAfrica.Yet there is a disparity in the continent’smining industries. Africa is endowed withabout 30% of the planet’s mineral reserves,but in 2019, it only produced around 5.5% ofthe world’s minerals and its global share wasvalued at $406bn that year, according to theWorld Mining Congress.African countries must exploit their mineralwealth. The DRC, for example, has a total36 January-February issue l 2023

MININGIf African countrieshad bettergovernance,increased miningwould not be sucha controversialissue.mineral wealth estimated in the tens oftrillions of dollars but the average Congoleseperson only earns $700 a year. Guinea — asmall West African country with only 13.5million inhabitants — enjoys massive andhigh-quality bauxite reserves: some 7.4bnmetric tons, 23% of the world’s total. Itssupply is vital to global aluminium productionand for the energy transition to go aheadbut the average Guinean only earns $1,440a year.By 2040, at least 30 times as much lithium,nickel and other key minerals may berequired by the electric car and batterystorage industries to meet global climatetargets, according to the International EnergyAgency (IEA). Similarly, the rise of low-carbonpower generation to meet climate goalsmeans a tripling of mineral demand from thissector by 2040. In May 2021, the IEA declaredthat the world is undergoing a massiveindustrial conversion that marks a “shiftfrom a fuel-intensive to a material-intensiveenergy system”.Minimising environmental impactsThe potential for mineral transformationcreates an enormous economic opportunityfor Africa. However, increased mining in theregion throws up two major issues that doneed addressing — natural habitat loss andinequality. In the end, both these problemsare a question of governance.Further mining will inevitably result ingreater deforestation. It is not only the newmining sites that will destroy forests but alsoall the associated roads and new settlements.The region is already seeing massivedestruction of its natural habitat. In 2020, thecontinent had 636.64m hectares of forest,16% of the world’s total. But it witnessed thegreatest annual rate of net forest loss of anyregion in the world — at 3.94m ha — between2010 and 2020.www.africasurveyorsonline.comA gold mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Image by: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg/GettyImagesThere is also a big question mark aroundwhether the local communities really gainmuch economically from all the new miningactivity. This is not a challenge unique toAfrica; in many cases, it is the elites inwealthy capital cities that enjoy most of thefinancial rewards from mining.In Africa specifically, foreign minersheadquartered in Europe, North America andChina eager to expand their portfolios addsanother dimension to this issue, and anothertype of actor who could take revenue awayfrom local workers.The need for better governance in AfricaIf African countries had better governance,increased mining would not be such acontroversial issue. Africa requires ‘responsiblemining’, defined as mining that involves andrespects all stakeholders, minimises andtakes account of its environmental impactand prioritises a fair division of economic andfinancial benefits. But the crux of the problemis that for responsible mining to really work,a country needs good governance in the firstplace and most African countries just do nothave it.Transparency International’s CorruptionPerceptions Index ranks 180 countriesby their perceived levels of public sectorcorruption on a scale of zero (highly corrupt)to 100 (very clean). In 2021, the sub-SaharanAfrica average was 33 — the lowest in theworld — and 44 African countries rankedbelow 50.Improving governance in Africa is not an easything to do. Many African countries are fragiledemocracies at best, and in a number of casesthey are outright dictatorships. Wheneverpossible Western governments need to bearpressure on African governments to takesteps to become better, more sophisticateddemocracies, or at least implement aspectsof governance such as labour rights andenvironmental protection.That in itself is not a straightforward task formany Western governments to do withoutbeing accused of colonial-style interference,and reflects a paradox at the heart of much ofAfrican mining: more effective mining coulddeliver great economic benefits and a senseof autonomy for local groups, but should thismining come from foreign companies andover-reaching Western powers, there is a riskof it all being for nought.Africa stands at an economic threshold.The energy transition – through increasedmining – could improve the region’s wealthimmeasurably. It is an economic opportunitythat must be seized. However, it falls on thecontinent’s next generation to ensure thattheir governments are more accountable andthat a lot more mining can be balanced atleast to some extent with conservation of thenatural environment. They must also ensurethat the economic benefits of more miningare more evenly spread.January-February issue l 2023 37


If African countries

had better


increased mining

would not be such

a controversial


mineral wealth estimated in the tens of

trillions of dollars but the average Congolese

person only earns $700 a year. Guinea — a

small West African country with only 13.5

million inhabitants — enjoys massive and

high-quality bauxite reserves: some 7.4bn

metric tons, 23% of the world’s total. Its

supply is vital to global aluminium production

and for the energy transition to go ahead

but the average Guinean only earns $1,440

a year.

By 2040, at least 30 times as much lithium,

nickel and other key minerals may be

required by the electric car and battery

storage industries to meet global climate

targets, according to the International Energy

Agency (IEA). Similarly, the rise of low-carbon

power generation to meet climate goals

means a tripling of mineral demand from this

sector by 2040. In May 2021, the IEA declared

that the world is undergoing a massive

industrial conversion that marks a “shift

from a fuel-intensive to a material-intensive

energy system”.

Minimising environmental impacts

The potential for mineral transformation

creates an enormous economic opportunity

for Africa. However, increased mining in the

region throws up two major issues that do

need addressing — natural habitat loss and

inequality. In the end, both these problems

are a question of governance.

Further mining will inevitably result in

greater deforestation. It is not only the new

mining sites that will destroy forests but also

all the associated roads and new settlements.

The region is already seeing massive

destruction of its natural habitat. In 2020, the

continent had 636.64m hectares of forest,

16% of the world’s total. But it witnessed the

greatest annual rate of net forest loss of any

region in the world — at 3.94m ha — between

2010 and 2020.

A gold mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Image by: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg/Getty


There is also a big question mark around

whether the local communities really gain

much economically from all the new mining

activity. This is not a challenge unique to

Africa; in many cases, it is the elites in

wealthy capital cities that enjoy most of the

financial rewards from mining.

In Africa specifically, foreign miners

headquartered in Europe, North America and

China eager to expand their portfolios adds

another dimension to this issue, and another

type of actor who could take revenue away

from local workers.

The need for better governance in Africa

If African countries had better governance,

increased mining would not be such a

controversial issue. Africa requires ‘responsible

mining’, defined as mining that involves and

respects all stakeholders, minimises and

takes account of its environmental impact

and prioritises a fair division of economic and

financial benefits. But the crux of the problem

is that for responsible mining to really work,

a country needs good governance in the first

place and most African countries just do not

have it.

Transparency International’s Corruption

Perceptions Index ranks 180 countries

by their perceived levels of public sector

corruption on a scale of zero (highly corrupt)

to 100 (very clean). In 2021, the sub-Saharan

Africa average was 33 — the lowest in the

world — and 44 African countries ranked

below 50.

Improving governance in Africa is not an easy

thing to do. Many African countries are fragile

democracies at best, and in a number of cases

they are outright dictatorships. Whenever

possible Western governments need to bear

pressure on African governments to take

steps to become better, more sophisticated

democracies, or at least implement aspects

of governance such as labour rights and

environmental protection.

That in itself is not a straightforward task for

many Western governments to do without

being accused of colonial-style interference,

and reflects a paradox at the heart of much of

African mining: more effective mining could

deliver great economic benefits and a sense

of autonomy for local groups, but should this

mining come from foreign companies and

over-reaching Western powers, there is a risk

of it all being for nought.

Africa stands at an economic threshold.

The energy transition – through increased

mining – could improve the region’s wealth

immeasurably. It is an economic opportunity

that must be seized. However, it falls on the

continent’s next generation to ensure that

their governments are more accountable and

that a lot more mining can be balanced at

least to some extent with conservation of the

natural environment. They must also ensure

that the economic benefits of more mining

are more evenly spread.

January-February issue l 2023 37

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