Africa Surveyors January-February issue 2023 digital

Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market. Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market.

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MARKET REPORTAutonomous Marine VehiclesGlobal Market Report 2023By ReportlinkerThe global autonomous marinevehicles market is expected to growfrom $1,994.26 million in 2021 to$2,298.08 million in 2022 at a compoundannual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2%. TheRussia-Ukraine war disrupted the chances ofglobal economic recovery from the COVID-19pandemic, at least in the short term. Thewar between these two countries has led toeconomic sanctions on multiple countries,surge in commodity prices, and supply chaindisruptions, causing inflation across goodsand services effecting many markets acrossthe globe. The autonomous marine vehiclesmarket is expected to grow to $4,147.97million in 2026 at a CAGR of 15.9%.The autonomous marine vehicles marketconsists of sales of submarine gliders andautonomous underwater vehicles.Values inthis market are ‘factory gate’ values, that isthe value of goods sold by the manufacturersor creators of the goods, whether toother entities (including downstreammanufacturers, wholesalers, distributors andretailers) or directly to end customers.The value of goods in this market includesrelated services sold by the creators of thegoods.Autonomous marine vehicles are roboticequipment that travels below or on thesurface of the water without requiring inputfrom a human operator.North America was the largest region in theautonomous marine vehicles market in 2022.Middle East was the second largest region inthe autonomous marine vehicles market.The regions covered in the autonomousmarine vehicles market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, NorthAmerica, South America, the Middle East, andAfrica.The main types of autonomous marinevehicles are surface vehicles and underwaterUnmanned Marine Vehicles |Image: Courtessy of openpPR for illustration purposesvehicles.A surface vehicle is a car fortransportation on land, as opposed to asubway car or any other elevated car.The different applications involvedare military & defence, archaeological,exploration, oil & gas, environmentalprotection and monitoring, search andsalvage operations, and oceanography.The technologies involved are imaging,navigation, communication, collisionavoidance, and propulsion.The autonomous marine vehicle marketis being driven by a rise in hydrographic,oceanographic, and environmental surveysconducted globally.A hydrographic surveymeasure describes and maps features thatcan be found underwater.The main purpose of conducting thesesurveys is to produce navigational chartsessential for the safe transit of vessels.An oceanographic survey helps with theaccurate understanding of marine andfreshwater environments for port and harbourdevelopment, wastewater and industrialoutfalls, power plant intakes and outfalls, andoffshore disposals.An autonomous surface vehicle (ASV)provides an efficient method of undertaking ahydrographic survey, as it saves both cost andtime.It is also flexible and convenient, whichallows for faster deployment for severalsurvey requirements, from event surveys tolarge coastal surveys.For instance, according to the world’s firstautonomous hydrographic survey, by 4DOcean, after the channel Coastal Observatory(CCO) commissioned it to carry out ahydrographic survey of the seabed that isoffshore of Hurst Spit, Western Solent, withthe help of a SeaRobotics ASV 2.5.The vulnerability of ships to cyber threatsdue to automation is a major restraint for theautonomous marine vehicle market.This ismainly because cyberspace and its associatedinfrastructure are vulnerable to a versatilerange of risks coming from cyber threats andattacks.The use of automation, which negates theneed for human intervention on ships andin ports, increases the chances of securitybreaches.A cyber-attack can misguide anautonomous ship to move in a differentdirection or move to a separate port, which22 January-February issue l 2023

AUTONOMOUS MARINE VEHICLEScan lead to misplacement and delay of goodsand services.For example, container ship and supply vesseloperator A.P. Moller-Maersk became a victimof a cyber-attack that resulted in a loss ofaround $250–300 million for the company.According to a survey by law firm Clyde &Co and the Institute of Marine Engineering,Science & Technology (IMarEST), over twothirdsof marine industry executives surveyedfrom across the world fear that unmanned/autonomous ships present a greater cybersecurityrisk than traditional ships.Maritime drone swarming for bettersurveillance and investigation capabilities isan emerging trend in the autonomous marinevehicle market.Maritime drone swarms are alarge group of underwater vehicles movingtogether for a particular purpose.The drone swarm has a wide range ofcapabilities in defence applications since itis capable of performing surveillance andinvestigation tasks followed by defensiveor offensive countermeasures.As the swarmworks collectively to navigate throughthe underwater environment, it senses awider area in a shorter time by making useof several sensing techniques to build acomprehensive map of the environment.For instance, the European Union (EU)is currently funding a research projectcalled Ocean2020, which will facilitatea combination of drones and unmannedsubmarines into swarms or fleet units. Inanother example, the US Navy’s UnderseaWarfare Center approved a grant of $78,000for Aquabotix’s SwarmDiver technology tosupport the US Navy and allied vessels.The International Maritime Organization(IMO) has regulations related to ballast watermanagement in marine vehicles.Ballast wateris defined as water that is pumped inside amarine vehicle to maintain safe operatingconditions and operations.Regulation D-3 by the IMO requires thatballast water management systems that useactive substances be approved followingthe specifications defined by the IMO.As perthe International Convention for the Controland Management of Ships’ Ballast Water andSediments, active substances are those whichinclude a virus or a fungus, having a generalor specific action on or against harmfulaquatic organisms or pathogens.Hence, regulations such as these wouldkeep a check on manufacturers of ballastwater management systems as well as thecompanies in the autonomous marine vehiclemarket.The countries covered in the autonomousmarine vehicles market report are Australia,Brazil, China, France, Germany, India,Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, the UK,USA.The market value is defined as the revenuesthat enterprises gain from goods and/orNTNU AMOSresearch areas(from the left):Mapping andmonitoring,intelligentships andoperations,intelligentmarinestructures andoperationsand roboticplatforms.|Source: NTNUAMOS |image:credit AnnikaBremvågservices sold within the specified market andgeography through sales, grants, or donationsin terms of currency (in USD ($) unlessotherwise specified).The revenues for a specified geographyare consumption values – that is, they arerevenues generated by organizations in thespecified geography within the specifiedmarket, irrespective of where they areproduced. It does not include revenues fromresales either further along the supply chainor as part of other products.The autonomous marine vehicles marketresearch report is one of a series of newreports that provides autonomous marinevehicle market statistics, including globalmarket size, regional shares, competitors withan autonomous marine vehicle market share,detailed autonomous marine vehicle marketsegments, market trends and opportunities,and any further data you may need tothrive in the autonomous marine vehicleindustry. This autonomous marine vehiclesmarket research report delivers a completeperspective of everything you need, with anin-depth analysis of the current and futurescenario of the industry.www.africasurveyorsonline.comJanuary-February issue l 2023 23


Autonomous Marine Vehicles

Global Market Report 2023

By Reportlinker

The global autonomous marine

vehicles market is expected to grow

from $1,994.26 million in 2021 to

$2,298.08 million in 2022 at a compound

annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2%. The

Russia-Ukraine war disrupted the chances of

global economic recovery from the COVID-19

pandemic, at least in the short term. The

war between these two countries has led to

economic sanctions on multiple countries,

surge in commodity prices, and supply chain

disruptions, causing inflation across goods

and services effecting many markets across

the globe. The autonomous marine vehicles

market is expected to grow to $4,147.97

million in 2026 at a CAGR of 15.9%.

The autonomous marine vehicles market

consists of sales of submarine gliders and

autonomous underwater vehicles.Values in

this market are ‘factory gate’ values, that is

the value of goods sold by the manufacturers

or creators of the goods, whether to

other entities (including downstream

manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and

retailers) or directly to end customers.

The value of goods in this market includes

related services sold by the creators of the


Autonomous marine vehicles are robotic

equipment that travels below or on the

surface of the water without requiring input

from a human operator.

North America was the largest region in the

autonomous marine vehicles market in 2022.

Middle East was the second largest region in

the autonomous marine vehicles market.

The regions covered in the autonomous

marine vehicles market report are Asia-

Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North

America, South America, the Middle East, and


The main types of autonomous marine

vehicles are surface vehicles and underwater

Unmanned Marine Vehicles |Image: Courtessy of openpPR for illustration purposes

vehicles.A surface vehicle is a car for

transportation on land, as opposed to a

subway car or any other elevated car.

The different applications involved

are military & defence, archaeological,

exploration, oil & gas, environmental

protection and monitoring, search and

salvage operations, and oceanography.

The technologies involved are imaging,

navigation, communication, collision

avoidance, and propulsion.

The autonomous marine vehicle market

is being driven by a rise in hydrographic,

oceanographic, and environmental surveys

conducted globally.A hydrographic survey

measure describes and maps features that

can be found underwater.

The main purpose of conducting these

surveys is to produce navigational charts

essential for the safe transit of vessels.

An oceanographic survey helps with the

accurate understanding of marine and

freshwater environments for port and harbour

development, wastewater and industrial

outfalls, power plant intakes and outfalls, and

offshore disposals.

An autonomous surface vehicle (ASV)

provides an efficient method of undertaking a

hydrographic survey, as it saves both cost and

time.It is also flexible and convenient, which

allows for faster deployment for several

survey requirements, from event surveys to

large coastal surveys.

For instance, according to the world’s first

autonomous hydrographic survey, by 4D

Ocean, after the channel Coastal Observatory

(CCO) commissioned it to carry out a

hydrographic survey of the seabed that is

offshore of Hurst Spit, Western Solent, with

the help of a SeaRobotics ASV 2.5.

The vulnerability of ships to cyber threats

due to automation is a major restraint for the

autonomous marine vehicle market.This is

mainly because cyberspace and its associated

infrastructure are vulnerable to a versatile

range of risks coming from cyber threats and


The use of automation, which negates the

need for human intervention on ships and

in ports, increases the chances of security

breaches.A cyber-attack can misguide an

autonomous ship to move in a different

direction or move to a separate port, which

22 January-February issue l 2023

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