Africa Surveyors January-February issue 2023 digital

Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market. Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market.

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GEOLOGYGeological Survey Authorityrequires $200m investment totransmit real-time seismic data onThe Ghana Geolog ical Survey Authority(GGSA) requires a US$200 millioninvest ment to establish a nationalseismic network for enhanced earthquakemonitoring.According to Isaac Kuuwan Mwimbelle, ActingDirector-Gen eral of GGSA, the network wouldenable the provision of real-time seismic datato ensure the safety of the citizenry.Speaking at a workshop in Ac cra, he said thenetwork would allow the Authority to transmitreal-time information on earthquake andother happenings to inform the developmentof earthquake-resilient structures.observatory network, make it fully functionaland resource it to be able to transmit realtimedata.In the meantime, the Direc tor-General saidthe GGSA had intensified discussions withman agers of high-rise buildings and otherstate agencies including the Bank of Ghana(BoG) and Elec tricity Company of Ghana(ECG) to sensitise them to earthquake safetyresponse.He said the Authority was formulatinglegislations to enforce adherence to safety“The absence ofseismic networkis a challenge tothe operationsof GGSA in termsof monitoringearthquake.mechanisms in the development of buildingsin the country.The Director-General rejected claims aboutthe lack of earth quake prediction by the GGSAsaying that “earthquakes cannot be predictedbut rather we fore cast by looking at currenthappen ings to keep citizens on alert so thatthe impact will be minimal.”He said the GGSA currently de pends on datafrom the Weija and Achimota observatorystations as well as other stations dottedacross the country.He noted that, assessment of earthquakewas carried-out manu ally by field officers fordata which was then transmitted througha satellite, which Mr Mwimbelle said, wasnot effective and brings about de lay in datatransmission, hence the need to switch to aSIM modem platform for effective transmission.“The absence of seismic network is achallenge to the operations of GGSA in termsof monitoring earthquake.What we do now is go to the field to gatherdata before we are able to respond to querieson earthquake. That means we delay incommunicating information that borders onthe safety of citizens. We need an investmentin the network to enable the GGSA transmitreal-time data on earth quake,” he added.Mr Mwimbelle said the network wouldenable the authority to disseminate safetyinformation to the public through theirpersonal devices.He stated that, the authority had engaged thegovernment on the need to set up the seismicMap of Ghana showing the study area. Source: Ghana Geological Survey Department.14 January-February issue l 2023

ENERGYSuper ESCOs are vehicles for channelling funds into public sector energy efficiency investments. |Image: AfDBAfrican Development Bank’s SEFAapproves $5 million in grantsto set up super energy servicecompanies in three countriesThe Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) of theAfrican Development Bank has approved a technicalassistance grant of $5.03 million to implement the AfricaSuper Energy Service Companies (ESCO) acceleration programin Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa.SEFA is a bank-managed multi-donor special fund that worksto unlock private sector investments in renewable energy andenergy efficiency.Super ESCOs are vehicles that channel funds into public sectorenergy efficiency investments such as hospitals, schools, andstreet lighting, paving the way for private investment. Theacceleration program catalyzes private sector investmentsin energy efficiency by operationalizing Super ESCOs, thusstimulating the transition toward more sustainable and greenereconomies.The grant will support the training of a team to operateSuper ESCOs and support private ESCOs in the three countriesto develop their Energy Performance Contract services.Private ESCOs provide services to energy users to designand implement energy efficiency options. The funding willalso underwrite the development of harmonized regional certificationschemes for ESCOs and energy service professionals, including energyauditors, managers, and energy savings measurement and verificationprofessionals.“This innovative program will enable Senegal to establish its SuperESCO and boost the energy efficiency market for increased energyperformance in the public and private sectors,” said Mr. Saer Diop,Director-General of Senegal’s Agence pour l’Economie et la Maîtrise del4Energie (AEME), which promotes energy efficiency.Mohamed Chérif, African Development Bank Senegal Country Manager,said: “Super ESCOs are an efficient tool that governments can draw onto leverage private sector resources to improve the energy efficiency ofpublic facilities and other key energy-consuming sectors. I am pleasedthat Senegal will be one of the first countries to benefit from the AfricaSuper Energy Service Companies Acceleration Program.”The acceleration program is paving the way for a successfulimplementation of downstream energy efficiency investment programsin which the African Development Bank, the Sustainable Energy Fund forAfrica, and other stakeholders will invest.www.africasurveyorsonline.comJanuary-February issue l 2023 15


Geological Survey Authority

requires $200m investment to

transmit real-time seismic data on

The Ghana Geolog ical Survey Authority

(GGSA) requires a US$200 million

invest ment to establish a national

seismic network for enhanced earthquake


According to Isaac Kuuwan Mwimbelle, Acting

Director-Gen eral of GGSA, the network would

enable the provision of real-time seismic data

to ensure the safety of the citizenry.

Speaking at a workshop in Ac cra, he said the

network would allow the Authority to transmit

real-time information on earthquake and

other happenings to inform the development

of earthquake-resilient structures.

observatory network, make it fully functional

and resource it to be able to transmit realtime


In the meantime, the Direc tor-General said

the GGSA had intensified discussions with

man agers of high-rise buildings and other

state agencies including the Bank of Ghana

(BoG) and Elec tricity Company of Ghana

(ECG) to sensitise them to earthquake safety


He said the Authority was formulating

legislations to enforce adherence to safety

The absence of

seismic network

is a challenge to

the operations

of GGSA in terms

of monitoring


mechanisms in the development of buildings

in the country.

The Director-General rejected claims about

the lack of earth quake prediction by the GGSA

saying that “earthquakes cannot be predicted

but rather we fore cast by looking at current

happen ings to keep citizens on alert so that

the impact will be minimal.”

He said the GGSA currently de pends on data

from the Weija and Achimota observatory

stations as well as other stations dotted

across the country.

He noted that, assessment of earthquake

was carried-out manu ally by field officers for

data which was then transmitted through

a satellite, which Mr Mwimbelle said, was

not effective and brings about de lay in data

transmission, hence the need to switch to a

SIM modem platform for effective transmission.

“The absence of seismic network is a

challenge to the operations of GGSA in terms

of monitoring earthquake.

What we do now is go to the field to gather

data before we are able to respond to queries

on earthquake. That means we delay in

communicating information that borders on

the safety of citizens. We need an investment

in the network to enable the GGSA transmit

real-time data on earth quake,” he added.

Mr Mwimbelle said the network would

enable the authority to disseminate safety

information to the public through their

personal devices.

He stated that, the authority had engaged the

government on the need to set up the seismic

Map of Ghana showing the study area. Source: Ghana Geological Survey Department.

14 January-February issue l 2023

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