Africa Surveyors January-February issue 2023 digital

Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market. Africa Surveyors is Africa’s premier source of Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial news and an envoy of surveying products/service for the Construction, Maritime, Onshore & Offshore energy and exploration, Engineering, Oil and Gas, Agricultural and Mining sectors on new solution based trends and technology for the African market.

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INNOVATIONHevenDrones launches hydrogen-powereddrone for commercial and defence useHevenDrones, a leader in the developmentand commercialization of actionabledrones, launched today its firsthydrogen-powered drone for commercialuse, the H2D55. With 5 times greater energyefficiency than traditional lithium batterypowereddrones, the H2D55 is capableof flying for 100 minutes with a payloadcapacity of 7kg.The launch of HevenDrones’ hydrogenproduct line addresses the challenge of flightendurance and payload capacity associatedwith battery-powered lithium drones aswell as the long-term environmental impactlinked to lithium mining. Without the needto frequently replace batteries, hydrogen fuelcells will also lower long term ownershipcosts for organizations implementing dronetechnology at scale.The H2D55 is the first in a planned lineupof 3 Hydrogen fueled drones that will bereleased over the next 9months. The additionalmodels will haveincreased payloadcapacity whilepreserving the longerflight endurance.HevenDrones has designed itscarbon-neutral H2D productline to be fully customizableto the unique goals of itscommercial and defenceclients. Commercial usecase examples range fromlast-mile and just-in-time (JIT)delivery, measuring the nutrientlevels of soil and precision cropspraying to collecting risk-assessmentdata for construction companies, surveyingreal estate for reforestation projectsand aiding emergency responders in riskassessment and delivery of life-savingequipment.Defence usecases includemore extensive surveillance missions andsupplying larger quantities of medical aid,food and ammunition to soldiers.Mosaic X camerasystems addedto greehill’sRIEGL mobileLiDAR systemGreehill announces the successfulintegration between their RIEGL mobilelaser scanners and the recently-launchedMosaic X mobile mapping camera systems.This marks a new milestone for all companiesinvolved, as the first successful customerintegration of the Mosaic X camera systemwith a RIEGL VMX-2HA scanner.This integration comes following the workdone in late 2022 between RIEGL and Mosaicto fully integrate the Mosaic X camerasystems with RIEGL’s V-Line Scanners whichare some of the highest-performing andMosaic X camera system. Image Mosaicwidely-recognized mobile laser scan systemsin the world. The Mosaic X 360º camerasystem becomes the highest resolution 360ºcamera to become fully compatible with theRIEGL VMY-1, RIEGL VMY-2, RIEGL VMQ-1HA, and RIEGL VMX-2HA, enabling morephotorealistic accuracy while recording 3Ddata of object surfaces in a time-efficient andhighly-accurate manner.Gyula Szabolcs Fekete, CTO & Co-Founderexplains what the acquisition of 3 Mosaic Xcameras brings to greehill:“Integrating the Mosaic camera into our urbanforest scanning system enables us to deliveraccurate insights to our clients so they canmake better decisions about how to managetheir green assets. The addition of the MosaicX cameras allows us to capture the urbanenvironment with greater resolution andspeed, which saves time, expense, and postprocessingeffort.”The greehill platform uses 360-degreeimagery and LiDAR technology to accuratelyvisualize and analyze urban environmentsto drive better management decisions.Resolution is crucial for their clients, and it isa priority to have a seamless integration withtheir RIEGL VMX-2HA mobile laser scanner formass data production.Fekete comments, “The Mosaic X camerasystem provides the resolution and reliabilitywe need to deliver the most accurate insightsto our clients. The Mosaic camera andintegration are very reliable, and the outputsmeet our expectations and requirements.Feedback from the users will be deliveredin the coming months, after they have thechance to test the platform in the field.”10 January-February issue l 2023

Trimble launches Tekla 2023 structural BIM solutionsINNOVATIONTrimble has launched 2023 versions of its‘constructible BIM’, structural engineeringand steel fabrication managementsolutions, Tekla Structures, Tekla StructuralDesigner, Tekla Tedds and Tekla PowerFab. Thenew releases are also said to raise the bar forautomated and connected workflows, withtighter integration between Tekla productsand third party tools.Structural BIM tool Tekla Structures 2023features several improvements in softwareperformance, and an upgraded drawingediting user experience that is said to makethe software easier to learn and use.Software said to raise the bar for automated and connected workflows. | Image TrimbleThere are also improvements in detailingfor fabrication workflows and projectcommunication. In rebar detailing, complexbar shape designs are now said to be easier toshare with procurement, manufacturing andthe construction site.Customers in steel fabrication are given‘greater flexibility’ by being able to cover moredetailing options related to bolts and holesfor specialised industries. The software alsofeatures updated outputs and exports in thefield of detailing for fabrication of multipletypes of projects and materials.3D design and analysis software TeklaStructural Designer 2023 introduces a‘rigorous analytical approach’ to footfallassessment that, according to Trimble, canbring substantial cost savings benefits aswell as a reduction in risk through accuratequantification of performance. The engineercan run multiple footfall scenarios in asingle model. The software also features astrengthened design-to-detail workflow withTekla Structures and a new integrator forAutodesk Revit 2023.Esri launches new ArcGIS Reality digital twin softwareEsri has long been among the globalleaders in GIS software, locationintelligence, and mapping, with theirArcGIS software serving as the leading GISsoftware globally. Realizing the direction ofthe industry towards smarter digital twinsutilizing imagery from UAVs, crewed aircraft,and satellites, the Redlands, California-basedcompany has added new software to theArcGIS platform, announcing the releaseof their ArcGIS Reality software earlier thismonth.This new release enables accurate 3Dmapping to form the basis of digital twinsfor whatever size project a professionalmay need, looking at something as smallas a single job site to potentially as largeas an entire nation. As Esri points out intheir announcement, the digital twin spaceis rapidly expanding the market for aerialimaging, which is expected to reach $4billion in value by 2025, nearly quadruplingwhere it stood back in 2017, an 14.2 percentcompound annual growth rate.Image EsriThis new ArcGIS Reality software willcomprise a family of four products all runningon the ArcGIS Reality engine. Those four are,from the Esri announcement:• ArcGIS Reality for ArcGIS Pro—a newextension of Esri’s flagship desktopGIS software, allowing users to inputimages from drones or crewed aircraft togenerate 3D outputs for reality mapping.• ArcGIS Reality Studio—a new focusedapplication for reality mapping fromaerial images for entire cities andcountries. A map-centric intuitiveinterface enables high productionefficiency to deliver survey-graderepresentations of reality.• Site Scan for ArcGIS—Esri’s cloud-basedend-to-end reality mapping softwarefor drone imagery, designed to simplifydrone program management, imagerydata collection, processing, and analysis.• ArcGIS Drone2Map—an intuitivedesktop application focused on realitymapping from drone imagery, enablingoffline processing and in-the-field rapidmapping.With the new software now available, avariety of industries will be able to benefitfrom Esri’s expertise in locational intelligencein creating their digital twins. The datacaptured by the various tools – whether theybe aerial-, drone-, or terrestrial-based – areused by many different industries, and it’s agroup that is only going to continue to growas the value of having these accurate modelsbecomes more readily apparent. This newoffering allows that reality capture data to beadded into a model and layered with GIS andBIM data to create a truly useful and valuablemodel for professionals.www.africasurveyorsonline.comJanuary-February issue l 2023 11


HevenDrones launches hydrogen-powered

drone for commercial and defence use

HevenDrones, a leader in the development

and commercialization of actionable

drones, launched today its first

hydrogen-powered drone for commercial

use, the H2D55. With 5 times greater energy

efficiency than traditional lithium batterypowered

drones, the H2D55 is capable

of flying for 100 minutes with a payload

capacity of 7kg.

The launch of HevenDrones’ hydrogen

product line addresses the challenge of flight

endurance and payload capacity associated

with battery-powered lithium drones as

well as the long-term environmental impact

linked to lithium mining. Without the need

to frequently replace batteries, hydrogen fuel

cells will also lower long term ownership

costs for organizations implementing drone

technology at scale.

The H2D55 is the first in a planned lineup

of 3 Hydrogen fueled drones that will be

released over the next 9

months. The additional

models will have

increased payload

capacity while

preserving the longer

flight endurance.

HevenDrones has designed its

carbon-neutral H2D product

line to be fully customizable

to the unique goals of its

commercial and defence

clients. Commercial use

case examples range from

last-mile and just-in-time (JIT)

delivery, measuring the nutrient

levels of soil and precision crop

spraying to collecting risk-assessment

data for construction companies, surveying

real estate for reforestation projects

and aiding emergency responders in risk

assessment and delivery of life-saving


Defence use

cases include

more extensive surveillance missions and

supplying larger quantities of medical aid,

food and ammunition to soldiers.

Mosaic X camera

systems added

to greehill’s

RIEGL mobile

LiDAR system

Greehill announces the successful

integration between their RIEGL mobile

laser scanners and the recently-launched

Mosaic X mobile mapping camera systems.

This marks a new milestone for all companies

involved, as the first successful customer

integration of the Mosaic X camera system

with a RIEGL VMX-2HA scanner.

This integration comes following the work

done in late 2022 between RIEGL and Mosaic

to fully integrate the Mosaic X camera

systems with RIEGL’s V-Line Scanners which

are some of the highest-performing and

Mosaic X camera system. Image Mosaic

widely-recognized mobile laser scan systems

in the world. The Mosaic X 360º camera

system becomes the highest resolution 360º

camera to become fully compatible with the


1HA, and RIEGL VMX-2HA, enabling more

photorealistic accuracy while recording 3D

data of object surfaces in a time-efficient and

highly-accurate manner.

Gyula Szabolcs Fekete, CTO & Co-Founder

explains what the acquisition of 3 Mosaic X

cameras brings to greehill:

“Integrating the Mosaic camera into our urban

forest scanning system enables us to deliver

accurate insights to our clients so they can

make better decisions about how to manage

their green assets. The addition of the Mosaic

X cameras allows us to capture the urban

environment with greater resolution and

speed, which saves time, expense, and postprocessing


The greehill platform uses 360-degree

imagery and LiDAR technology to accurately

visualize and analyze urban environments

to drive better management decisions.

Resolution is crucial for their clients, and it is

a priority to have a seamless integration with

their RIEGL VMX-2HA mobile laser scanner for

mass data production.

Fekete comments, “The Mosaic X camera

system provides the resolution and reliability

we need to deliver the most accurate insights

to our clients. The Mosaic camera and

integration are very reliable, and the outputs

meet our expectations and requirements.

Feedback from the users will be delivered

in the coming months, after they have the

chance to test the platform in the field.”

10 January-February issue l 2023

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