Georgia Letters First Lady Marty Kemp 8-3-23

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Carol Egan<br />

Co-Founder<br />

Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

As a founder of the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls, and a fellow advocate<br />

for youth, I am writing to implore you for your assistance. My family has<br />

been severely affected and devastated by this horrific disease. In <strong>Georgia</strong>,<br />

we are losing over 2500 beautiful family members a year. Not one state<br />

has been able to stop this. Think about the 300 phone calls to mothers and<br />

fathers across this country, every single day. Currently, most are being<br />

poisoned by fentanyl. If we treat this like rat poison, rather than addiction,<br />

we have a fighting chance. Our populous is being deliberately poisoned.<br />

I know you have three precious daughters. Would you assist us in finding a<br />

permanent location for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Wall within our<br />

Capitol? We have created two memorial walls, one with photos and one<br />

with names. I am including the brochure of virtual memorial walls, albums<br />

and our awareness campaign.<br />

These digital walls and albums update automatically. We would also like<br />

the photos displayed in hard copy format. The wall of names can be<br />

projected on a wall so families can touch their loved one’s name. We would<br />

like our loved ones to be treated like victims. They were all victims of<br />

Purdue Pharma (an American Cartel), and many others. Now, they are<br />

victims of Chinese criminal networks and Mexican Cartels. Many are also<br />

victims of a fatal disease like cancer. We are using the word “drugism” for<br />

the prejudice toward drug users - like racism.<br />

A group of our <strong>Georgia</strong> moms would love to meet with you and work<br />

together to prevent this from happening ever again.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Carol Egan<br />

Co-Founder<br />

Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls<br />

Savannah, GA<br />


Catherine Rice’s Son

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am Catherine Rice, a mother and advocate for my son, James Rice, who is one of<br />

many young people we have lost in our state and nation to the fentanyl crisis. As his<br />

advocate and that of others we are working to make it possible to establish a<br />

memorial wall at our state Capitol.<br />

As you can see, my son was a handsome young man of 24 years of age. He had so<br />

many things to look forward to in life but was found, by me, lifeless on the floor of a<br />

motel room. Jimmy was a beautiful person. He grew up as most young men enjoying<br />

basketball, baseball, fishing and loving his family and friends. He was very<br />

compassionate and that showed in his relationships with others. Jimmy cared deeply<br />

for others, was kind, and would go out of his way to help others who were in need. He<br />

was very close to his three older sisters and his death has broken us all.<br />

Would you assist us in finding a permanent location for a Drug Epidemic Memorial<br />

Wall within our Capitol to honor our children lost to fentanyl? We would also like to<br />

work with our leaders in the state to develop a plan of action to help prevent this from<br />

happening again. We must secure our borders to keep the cartels from bringing these<br />

drugs into our nation and individual states.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Catherine Rice<br />

Fort Gaines, Ga

Christie Rigney’s Son

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

My name is Christie Rigney, and my son Kyle Louis Rigney was murdered on December<br />

13, 2020. He was born on October <strong>23</strong>,1990. He was 30 years old and my first-born son.<br />

He was poisoned by cocaine laced with fentanyl and carfentanil. He always said, “Mom,<br />

you can’t overdose on cocaine”. He didn’t overdose, he was poisoned.<br />

Kyle was a son, a father, a brother, a uncle, a grandson and a best friend. He had two little<br />

girls; an 11-year-old named Savannah and an 8-month-old named Ila. He loved them<br />

dearly. They were his world. Ila, the youngest, also lost her mother 11 months later. So, his<br />

daughter does not have a father or a mother because of fentanyl.<br />

My son fought his addiction hard. He never wanted to be addicted. He had been to many<br />

rehabs over the years. He wanted to be clean. He did not want to die!<br />

The police did nothing about his murder, even though there is evidence on his phone. They<br />

treated him like he was not worth their time. My ex-husband was in the military, so we<br />

travelled a lot. <strong>Georgia</strong> is where my son attended high school and lived. He was in Florida<br />

when he was murdered.<br />

My son had the biggest heart. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He<br />

was loved by many. He was my best friend! We talked and texted every day!<br />

His best friend committed suicide 7 months later to the day. He said he wanted to be with<br />

his friend.<br />

It took me a long time to write this letter, as the hurt is so strong that I didn’t want to bring<br />

myself back to this day. Surely you have someone that you love, a child, a grandson and if<br />

you had to endure this pain, maybe you would push to get something done to stop it. We<br />

must fight! Fight to stop the murders happening to our children!<br />

This must stop! We have lost so many to illicit fentanyl. Close the borders!<br />

We are asking for a drug memorial wall to be placed in honor of our loved ones at the State<br />

Capitol. They are victims of the War of Drugs. Please help us place a memorial wall in the<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> Capitol.<br />

Signed by a mother, who misses her son dearly.<br />

Christie Rigney<br />

Perry, <strong>Georgia</strong>

Debra Nager’s Sons

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I would like you to sit back and look into the eyes of mothers who have lost their<br />

children to the fentanyl crisis and drug epidemic. I lost my two beautiful sons. My<br />

son, Jonathan Nager, was a great person and well-liked by all. He had a lot of spark<br />

in his life. He loved playing his guitar, and he and his dad played guitar together.<br />

Then one day everything changed. Jonathan had a couple of disks in his back that<br />

bothered him. Jonathan had an MRI done and it showed he had problems. Every<br />

corner had a sign for a pain clinic and Jonathan started going to them. He was put on<br />

oxytocin, morphine, and somas and after a couple of months he became addicted.<br />

This went on for a long time. Then he started shooting oxycontin in his vein. When he<br />

didn’t have it, he was so sick. I felt weak as a mother because I couldn’t help my son.<br />

My son had two children. I thought his behavior would change but it did not. My<br />

grandkids started finding his needles and watched him shoot up. It was awful. Both<br />

loved their dad. Jonathan overdosed several times. He couldn’t afford the pills<br />

anymore and turned to heroin. I was there for him and gave him CPR until the<br />

ambulance came. One time my granddaughter asked me “why were you hurting my<br />

dad?” I just cried. I went with him to the ER many times and begged them to hold him<br />

and get him help or he would die. I was crying and pleading for help. I lost Jonathan<br />

to heroin and carfentanil on 2/7/ 2017. He was 32. Then I lost my second son Timothy<br />

on 9/19/ 2019 to a meth overdose. He never got over losing Jonathan.<br />

Timothy was a wonderful person, who made mistakes in life that cost him 10 years of<br />

probation when he was 17. He had a hard time getting jobs, but he never gave up.<br />

After his dad died, I moved to Michigan and Timothy moved in with his girlfriend. They<br />

had a beautiful son. I was not aware of his drug use until they lost their son to<br />

protective services. I moved back to <strong>Georgia</strong> so I could help him. I moved into his<br />

apartment. My son and his girlfriend were having another child. She kept telling me<br />

that Timothy was on meth, but I didn’t believe this. Timothy was found on his brother’s<br />

birthday on the ground at a bus stop. He overdosed and a person driving by called an<br />

ambulance. Thank God he survived.<br />

I moved to the country thinking I could keep him off the streets, but he went back out.<br />

Timothy came home one day and couldn’t walk. He had to be carried in the house<br />

and he kept saying his friend was trying to kill him. I thought he was just paranoid.<br />

Timothy knew after his brother died; I was done with drugs. He kept it from me until

Timothy knew after his brother died; I was done with drugs. He kept it from me until<br />

the end. Timothy didn’t want to die; he just wanted his pain to go away. Marietta law<br />

enforcement investigated his case. I had the drug dealer’s name. They closed the<br />

case and said that person didn’t make Timothy do the drugs.<br />

The pain is real, and these losses seem unbearable at times. My life has changed<br />

forever. Please imagine these were your children.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Debra Nager Mom of Jonathan Nager 32 & Timothy Nager 31<br />

Novi, Michigan

Intentional Blank Page

Glynda Anderson’s Son

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am an ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. My beautiful, loving,<br />

precious, kind-hearted son, Benjamin William (Andy) Anderson, III, age 35, was found<br />

dead on his sister's living room floor, when she arrived home from a weekend trip with<br />

her children. Just 3-feet away from him, on the counter was his untouched open<br />

pizza, and a soft drink, and a big cookie, he had ordered. He had called me to tell me<br />

he was home "safe" and going to have pizza and watch a movie.<br />

My son had been living, and working, with his sister, and was so happy, and looked<br />

forward to all of them coming to join me in Louisiana, when school was out.<br />

Benjamin had a problem with addiction previously, and had struggled with it for some<br />

time, but he recently completed rehab and was doing great. His dad died seven<br />

months earlier, and Ben was hit hard by his loss, but he straightened up, and was<br />

working hard for his sister in her business.<br />

My son was given a ride home that night during Covid curfew, by someone we know.<br />

We are not sure what transpired during that ride, but my son did not want to die. He<br />

had much to live for, and big plans. He died alone on the floor.<br />

The police department told my daughter that they had to take his phone so they could<br />

investigate and look for messages between him and the person that supplied that<br />

deadly dose. The Detective said, "The GBI "has a guy" that can get into his phone<br />

and see what happened."<br />

Four months later, when finally allowed by the state of <strong>Georgia</strong>, to hold his memorial,<br />

due to Covid, I called the police to see if they were through with his phone and to<br />

hear what they had found out. I dreaded it. I was told that I could go get the phone. I<br />

asked what they had found and what transpired that night. I was told they had not<br />

even tried because they were afraid of getting "locked out". So, they did nothing!<br />

The GBI never had it. That P.D. did not care.<br />

I asked, "So in other words, you're saying that this drug dealer is going to just go<br />

free?" He replied, "Well here in <strong>Georgia</strong>, we believe that if you get something from<br />

somebody and it kills you, then that's your fault, and it's on you." Cold and uncaring.<br />

So his life was worth nothing to that police department.

I picked up my son's untouched phone that afternoon and I still have it.<br />

Though we mourn the loss of our babies every minute of every day, we do not want<br />

other parents to feel this agony, all day every day. I am asking you, as a mother, to<br />

please do something very important, that could actually save many lives, in the great<br />

state of <strong>Georgia</strong>, and everywhere, in years to come.<br />

We hope that every visitor that sees this tragic reminder, by viewing this permanent<br />

Memorial, of the beautiful children of <strong>Georgia</strong>, of all ages, who lost their lives, and the<br />

opportunity to live a full life, would take not only a photo, but a lifelong memory with<br />

them, to share with their children, grandchildren, coworkers, neighbors, and anyone<br />

who will listen, about what they saw, and the dangerous substances that will kill them<br />

instantly.<br />

I know you have children and grandchildren. Would you assist us in finding a<br />

permanent location for a Drug Epidemic Memorial Wall within our Capitol?<br />

As you may know, these digital walls and albums update automatically. We would<br />

also like the photos displayed in hard copy format. We would like our loved ones to<br />

be treated like victims. They were all victims of Purdue Pharma (an American cartel)<br />

and many others. Now, they are victims of Chinese and the Mexican Cartels. We are<br />

using the word “drugism” for the prejudice toward drug users - like racism.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Glynda Anderson<br />

Douglasville, GA

Intentional Blank Page

Julie Russell’s Daughter

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am an ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. I lost my beautiful, kind,<br />

intelligent, and loving daughter, Lauren Nicole Carver, on March 7, 2022. We reside in<br />

Toccoa, GA, not too far from where you were born.<br />

She was in a state supported, and mandated, rehabilitation center in Gainesville, GA. A<br />

drug dealer delivered (on rehab grounds) what she believed to be heroin. There was no<br />

heroin in her system. It was straight fentanyl and xylazine. That deadly combination was my<br />

daughter's death sentence. She died alone. She died in an unfamiliar place. This haunts<br />

me daily. Her killer still walks free, dealing to others as if her death never occurred. Her<br />

murder has had catastrophic consequences for my family. My younger daughter (17) had to<br />

go on anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. I have had to work on her case,<br />

because Gainesville Police Department did not. I received her case file through an open<br />

records request. Can you imagine clicking on a folder, only for a video to begin of your<br />

daughter's lifeless body lying on the floor while she is attempting to be resuscitated? It is an<br />

image that I obsessively see in my mind. It is an image that I will never get over. I have little<br />

to no quality of life. I am very fortunate to have my youngest daughter, Evan, still with me. I<br />

enjoy our time together very much, yet there is always a dark cloud looming over me. I<br />

imagine that will occur for the duration of my life. I am only 42 years old. I cannot fathom<br />

having to deal with this for the remainder of my life. The only way I know to survive her<br />

death, is through advocating for her and others.<br />

I know you have daughters. Surely you can sympathize with me, as a mother, yourself. Our<br />

children deserve to be memorialized in this horrible epidemic. It is a war on everyone in the<br />

United States. Would you assist us in finding a permanent location for a Drug Epidemic<br />

Memorial Wall within our Capitol? We have created two memorial walls. One with photos<br />

and one with names. I am including Lauren's frame, below. I am also including the brochure<br />

of virtual memorial walls, albums, and our awareness campaign.<br />

These digital walls and albums update automatically. We would also like the photos<br />

displayed in hard copy format. The wall of names can be projected on a wall so families can<br />

touch their loved one's name. We would like our loved ones to be treated like victims. They<br />

were all victims of Purdue Pharma (an American cartel) and many others. Now, they are<br />

victims of Chinese and the Mexican Cartels. We are using the word “drugism” for the<br />

prejudice toward drug users - like racism.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Julie Russell<br />

Toccoa, GA

Katherine Shelp Daniel’s Son

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am an ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. I lost my beautiful son,<br />

Richard, who is forever 35. He was poisoned by fentanyl, and we remain devastated.<br />

We loved him beyond imagination. Richard was the most caring and empathetic<br />

person I have ever known. He would give his last dollar to a homeless person.<br />

Richard leaves three children behind, Landen 15, Jada 10, and Kevin 8. Three<br />

children with broken hearts who are severely traumatized.<br />

Nothing was done about my son’s case. They classified it as an accidental overdose.<br />

My son was poisoned. I know the three people involved. The police would not<br />

investigate.<br />

I know you have 3 beautiful daughters and fight for children who are victims of sex<br />

trafficking. Would you assist us in finding a permanent location for a Drug Epidemic<br />

Memorial Wall within our Capitol? We have created two memorial walls. One with<br />

photos and one with names. I am including Richard’s frame, below. I am also<br />

including the brochure of our virtual memorial walls, albums, and our awareness<br />

campaign.<br />

These digital walls and albums update automatically. We would also like the photos<br />

displayed in hard copy format. The wall of names can be projected on a wall so<br />

families can touch their loved one's name. We would like our loved ones to be treated<br />

like victims. They were all victims of Purdue Pharma (an American cartel) and many<br />

others. Now, they are victims of Chinese and the Mexican Cartels. We are using the<br />

word “drugism” for the prejudice toward drug users - like racism.<br />

A group of our <strong>Georgia</strong> moms would love to meet with you and work together to<br />

prevent this from happening ever again.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Katherine Shelp Daniel<br />

Midway, Georigia

Kim DeHart’s Daughter

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I know you are a mother of three girls<br />

and that you will be able to imagine the unfathomable pain I am in. I am a newly<br />

appointed ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. My <strong>23</strong>-year-old<br />

daughter, Shannon (and second adopted child from birth), was taken from me on<br />

June 29, 2021, to methamphetamine laced with fentanyl.<br />

Shannon Ruth DeHart was so loved by her father, brother and I and many others. If I<br />

start describing her (and all she went through) I could not finish this letter. However, I<br />

will tell you that she had a diagnosis of BPD and her dad, and I sought all kinds of<br />

treatment for her, but sadly, our healthcare system failed in that realm. She resorted<br />

to drugs to cope. I warned her against the dangers of drugs and overdosing on drugs,<br />

but I never knew about illicit fentanyl. Now, I know all too well. Her death certificate<br />

revealed fentanyl, methamphetamine and amphetamine were the drugs in her system<br />

and the cause of her death stated, “accident”.<br />

Shannon did not want to die or leave her toddler behind. She was poisoned by<br />

fentanyl, but she thought that the methamphetamine was not laced with fentanyl. The<br />

autopsy toxicity report showed she had 15ng of fentanyl in her system. The coroner<br />

informed me when I asked what amount was considered lethal, and I was told that<br />

there is no “safe” amount of illicit fentanyl.<br />

Now, not only am I still grieving and mourning the daughter that was taken from me,<br />

but I am singly raising her five-year-old child, in my 60s. My heart aches every day for<br />

her and breaks for the little boy who will not know his mother, and the countless other<br />

people dying from fentanyl. I don’t want my daughter’s death to be in vain. I want to<br />

put her name and face out there and let her voice be heard from her grave and<br />

expose illicit fentanyl for what it is, namely a poison and weapon of mass destruction.<br />

Our government is supposed to protect us, so please help place these precious<br />

children’s photos in a significant building in our Capitol. Thank you for listening to us.<br />

With a broken heart,<br />

Kim DeHart<br />

Woodstock, <strong>Georgia</strong>

Leah W. Devere’s Son

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am an ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. I lost my loving,<br />

kindhearted son, Cory who is forever 30. He was poisoned by fentanyl, one laced<br />

Percocet took his life and we remain devastated. We as a family loved him beyond<br />

words. He left behind 3 beautiful daughters that now grow up without their dad. Cory<br />

had just bought his first home, started his own business and had so much more living<br />

to do. Cory was kind, empathetic, and always stood up for the underdog.<br />

I know you have children and grandchildren. Would you assist us in finding a<br />

permanent location for a Drug Epidemic Memorial Wall within our Capitol? We have<br />

created two memorial walls. One with photos and one with names. I am including<br />

Cory’s frame, below. I am also including the brochure of virtual memorial walls,<br />

albums, and our awareness campaign.<br />

These digital walls and albums update automatically. We would also like the photos<br />

displayed in hard copy format. The wall of names can be projected on a wall so<br />

families can touch their loved one's name. We would like our loved ones to be treated<br />

like victims, because they are. They were all victims of Purdue Pharma (an American<br />

cartel) and many others. Now, they are victims of Chinese and the Mexican Cartels.<br />

We are using the word “drugism” for the prejudice toward drug users - like racism.<br />

A group of our <strong>Georgia</strong> moms would love to meet with you and work together to<br />

prevent this from happening ever again. I’m begging you to help make this happen.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Leah W. Devere<br />

Bowdon, GA

Michelle & Kevin Harless’ Son

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am an ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. I lost my beautiful son,<br />

Ernie, who is forever 35. He was poisoned by fentanyl, and we remain devastated.<br />

We loved him beyond imagination. Ernie was the kindest and most empathetic<br />

person I have ever known.<br />

I know you have 3 beautiful daughters. Would you assist us in finding a permanent<br />

location for a<br />

Drug Epidemic Memorial Wall within our Capitol? We have created two memorial<br />

walls. One with photos and one with names. I am including Ernie’s frame, below. I am<br />

also including the brochure of virtual memorial walls, albums, and our awareness<br />

campaign.<br />

These digital walls and albums update automatically. We would also like the photos<br />

displayed in hard copy format. The wall of names can be projected on a wall so<br />

families can touch their loved one's name. We would like our loved ones to be treated<br />

like victims. They were all victims of Purdue Pharma (an American cartel) and many<br />

others. Now, they are victims of Chinese and the Mexican Cartels. We are using the<br />

word “drugism” for the prejudice toward drug users - like racism.<br />

A group of our <strong>Georgia</strong> moms would love to meet with you and work together to<br />

prevent this from happening ever again.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Michelle and Kevin Harless<br />

Grieving mom<br />

Marietta, GA

Pat & Ted Kraft’s Son

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am an ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. I lost my beautiful son,<br />

Nick Wright who is forever 35. He was poisoned by fentanyl, and we remain<br />

devastated. We loved him beyond imagination. Nick was the kindest and most<br />

empathetic person I have ever known.<br />

I know you have children and grandchildren. Would you assist us in finding a<br />

permanent location for a Drug Epidemic Memorial Wall within our Capitol? We have<br />

created two memorial walls. One with photos and one with names. I am including<br />

Nick's frame, below. I am also including the brochure of virtual memorial walls,<br />

albums, and our awareness campaign.<br />

These digital walls and albums update automatically. We would also like the photos<br />

displayed in hard copy format. The wall of names can be projected on a wall so<br />

families can touch their loved one's name.<br />

We would like our loved ones to be treated like victims. They were all victims of<br />

Purdue Pharma (an American cartel) and many others. Now, they are victims of<br />

Chinese and the Mexican Cartels. We are using the word “drugism” for the prejudice<br />

toward drug users - like racism.<br />

A group of our <strong>Georgia</strong> moms would love to meet with you and work together to<br />

prevent this from happening ever again.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Pat and Ted Kraft<br />

Albany, GA

Rita Kouris’ Daughter

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am an ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. I lost my beautiful smart<br />

sweet daughter Sereada Antoinette, who is forever 20. She was poisoned by fentanyl<br />

at a pool party in Fulton County and we remain devastated. Nothing has been done to<br />

the individuals that gave her this deadly drug inside a marijuana cigarette. We loved<br />

her beyond all space and time. Our family remains destroyed by the loss of my<br />

daughter. Especially her little brother, Darell. Sereada was full of life, always a light<br />

of joy to anyone she crossed paths with. My daughter's life mattered like so many<br />

victims of fentanyl in the state of <strong>Georgia</strong>. Please help in getting awareness out to<br />

other <strong>Georgia</strong>ns and helping us Mothers honor our children by saving someone else's<br />

child.<br />

I know you have children and grandchildren. Would you assist us in finding a<br />

permanent location for a Drug Epidemic Memorial Wall within our Capitol? We have<br />

created two memorial walls. One with photos and one with names. I am including<br />

Sereada's frame below. I am also including the brochure of virtual memorial walls,<br />

albums, and our awareness campaign.<br />

These digital walls and albums update automatically. We would also like the photos<br />

displayed in hard copy format. The wall of names can be projected on a wall so<br />

parents can touch their loved one's name. We would like our loved ones to be treated<br />

like victims. They were all victims of Purdue Pharma (an American cartel) and many<br />

others. Now, they are victims of Chinese and the Mexican Cartels. We are using the<br />

word “drugism” for the prejudice toward drug users - like racism.<br />

A group of our <strong>Georgia</strong> moms would love to meet with you and work together to<br />

prevent this from happening ever again.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Rita Kouris<br />

Powder Springs, GA

Wanda & Ray Gallops’ Son

Dear <strong>First</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>Marty</strong> <strong>Kemp</strong>,<br />

I am an ambassador for the Drug Epidemic Memorial Walls. I lost my beautiful 20-<br />

year-old son, Dalton, on August 4, 2020, to fentanyl poisoning. He was my only child,<br />

and his absence is felt every day. Dalton leaves behind a young daughter who now<br />

must grow up without the love and guidance of her father. Unfortunately, there are<br />

similar stories happening everyday across the state and nation. We are losing an<br />

entire generation of Americans. Like my son, so many of the victims are young and<br />

unaware that they are ingesting lethal fentanyl.<br />

As mothers, we must do everything we can to raise awareness and prevent other<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong>ns from experiencing this life altering heartache. Lives are being destroyed as<br />

we speak, and time is of the essence. Can I count on your support? Would you assist<br />

us in finding a permanent location for a Drug Epidemic Memorial Wall within our<br />

Capitol? We have created two memorial walls. One with photos and one with names.<br />

I am including Dalton’s frame below. I am also including the brochure of virtual<br />

memorial walls, albums, and our awareness campaign.<br />

These digital walls and albums update automatically. We would also like the photos<br />

displayed in hard copy format. The wall of names can be projected on a wall so<br />

families can touch their loved one's name.<br />

A group of <strong>Georgia</strong> moms would love to meet with you and work together on this<br />

project to raise awareness and prevent this from happening to other <strong>Georgia</strong> families.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Wanda and Ray Gallops<br />

Columbus, <strong>Georgia</strong>

<strong>Georgia</strong> Photo Scrolling Wall:<br />

ga.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

National Teen Scrolling Wall Of Photos:<br />

https://wall.drugepidemicmemorial.org/photos/teens<br />

National Scrolling Wall Of Photos:<br />

https://wall.drugepidemicmemorial.org/photos<br />

National Scrolling Wall Of Names:<br />


Awareness<br />

Campaigns<br />

School And Community Prevention Tools<br />



Manual For Advocates<br />


Please feel free to share for awareness, prevention and memorials.<br />

To be included on the Memorial Walls go to:<br />


Direct state links for slideshows<br />

Alabama<br />

Alaska<br />

Arizona<br />

Arkansas<br />

California<br />

Colorado<br />

Connecticut<br />

Delaware<br />

Florida<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong><br />

Hawaii<br />

Idaho<br />

Illinois<br />

Indiana<br />

Iowa<br />

Kansas<br />

Kentucky<br />

Louisiana<br />

Maine<br />

Maryland<br />

Massachusetts<br />

Michigan<br />

Minnesota<br />

Mississippi<br />

Missouri<br />

al.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ak.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

az.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ar.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ca.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

co.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ct.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

de.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

fl.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ga.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

hi.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

id.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

il.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

in.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ia.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ks.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ky.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

la.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

me.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

md.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ma.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

mi.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

mn.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

ms.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

mo.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Montana mt.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Nebraska ne.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Nevada nv.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

New Hampshire nh.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

New Jersey nj.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

New Mexico nm.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

New York ny.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

North Carolina nc.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

North Dakota nd.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Ohio<br />

oh.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Oklahoma ok.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Oregon or.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Pennsylvania pa.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Puerto Rico pr.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Rhode Island ri.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

South Carolina sc.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

South Dakota sd.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Tennessee tn.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Texas<br />

tx.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Utah<br />

ut.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Vermont vt.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Virginia va.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Washington wa.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

West Virginia wv.drugepidemicmemorial.org<br />

Wisconsin wi.drugepidemicmemorial.org

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