The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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silencing my threats. Nausea churned at the taste and the

spike of helplessness I felt.

He arched a brow at me before pushing away from the

stone slab, his hand falling to the hilt of a short sword. His

shoulders tensed, and I wished I could see his expression.

He turned from me as others drew swords. “Keep alert,” he

barked. “But do not engage.”

The masked men moved out of my line of sight as the

creak of carriage wheels ceased. I couldn’t allow myself to

think beyond the next second, that very moment, as I

watched the torches drift forward, thrust into the ground

around the broken remains of Castle Bauer. My heart

pounded. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I twisted my

head to the side, hoping to dislodge the bindings, but they

didn’t move.

Panic swelled as a dark shadow drifted closer to what

remained of the steps, then climbed them slowly. A cloaked

figure in black and red stood in the middle of the half-fallen

walls. I stopped moving, but my heart continued throwing

itself against my chest.

This couldn’t be happening.

Two pale hands lifted the hood of the robe, lowering the

material to reveal a woman I didn’t recognize, one with hair

the color of sunlight, swept back from a face that was all

cold angles. She strode forward, the heels of her shoes

clicking on the stone. She never once spared a single look at

the others. She seemed utterly unafraid of their presence

and the swords they held. Her entire focus was on me, and I

wondered how either side could share the same space as

the other. Could these pretend Protectors’ need to be rid of

me, and the desire for the Ascended to reclaim me, be that

great? And would the Ascended take me and not attempt to

capture all the Atlantians standing among them, all so full of

the blood they craved so desperately?

Gods, a sick part of me hoped this was a trap. That the

Ascended would turn on them. It would be so very fitting.

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