The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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Swallowing thickly, he nodded as he looked over at me.

“I know you will.” He paused. “My son is a very lucky man to

have found you and made himself yours.”

His words embraced my wounded heart, and the

acceptance behind them choked me. It took me a moment

to speak. “It is I who is lucky to have been found by your

son and to have become his.”

Valyn reached over, cupping my cheek with his gloved

hand. “And Eloana and I are even more lucky to have you as

our daughter-in-law.”

Tears filled my eyes. I hadn’t cried, and I told myself I

wouldn’t cry now. If I did, I wouldn’t stop. “Thank you.”

He nodded and then lowered his hand, his gaze fixed on

the wall. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

I searched his profile as I opened my senses. I didn’t

need to search long to feel the agony pounding through

him. “What is it?”

Under the gold and steel armor, his shoulders tightened.

“If you see my other son before I do, all that I ask is that you

make his death as quick and painless as possible.”

I blew out a thin breath as the knot expanded in my

throat. The two words I spoke hurt. “I will.”

“Thank you.” Valyn nodded as he shifted his helmet to

his other hand. “We will await your return in the foothills of

the Skotos, from the cusp of the Wastelands to the walls of

Spessa’s End, Your Majesty.” He bowed and took his leave.

I watched him as he strode back to where his horse

waited. I would see him after I sent my message.

“That took a lot for him to ask,” Kieran said, already

mounted on his horse.

“I know.” Holding onto Setti’s reins, I swung myself up

as Vonetta prowled forward in her wolven form beside


Several dozen wolven rose from where they rested in

the plush grass and the warm rays of the afternoon sun as

the gates of the northern wall opened, one after another.

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