The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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thick, cold slush. I looked past the line of guards with their

black mantles.

Crimson and black silk skirts flowed like water across

the stone floor. The gown’s deep vee cut between the swells

of breasts, reaching the impossibly narrow waist encased in

rows of rubies chained together. Red-tipped fingers clasped

together. Garnets strung and clasped tightly around slender

wrists and a pale neck. Lush, red lips tipped up in a faint

smile. A turned-up nose pierced with an onyx stone. High

cheekbones flushed artfully with rouge. Black eyes

glimmered under the golden chandeliers, outlined and

winged in black. Arched, deep brown brows. Hair that shone

a dark auburn was swept up and back so the mass spilled

over an elegant shoulder in thick, loose curls that brushed

the rows of rubies at the waist. Carved from pure, polished

ruby and consisting of twelve hoops connected by oval

pieces of onyx and topped with diamonds crafted into

spires, the Blood Crown was one of the most beautiful and

horrendous works of art that had ever been created.

As was the woman who wore it.

Queen Ileana looked just like I remembered—beautiful in

a sultry way few could ever achieve and carrying a warmth

to her features even fewer Ascended had ever been able to

master. Our gazes locked, and I couldn’t look away as

memories of her brushing my hair back from the ruined side

of my face, of reading to me when I couldn’t sleep, of

holding me when I cried for my mother and father, rushed

into me, over and over.

And maybe that was why I didn’t see who stood just

behind her, to her right. Maybe that was why it took more

than a moment for me to register the sudden explosion of

icy shock rolling off Casteel, and that he’d jerked back a

step. My gaze shifted to the man who stood there. It wasn’t

King Jalara.

This man’s hair nearly reached his shoulders and was a

light brown that showed hints of blond, but the sharp

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