The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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Delano spun around, his chest rising and falling as he

glared at the young woman. She winked at him.

“She has told you all the truth. Your friends are fine.”

Ian’s gaze touched mine. “I can take you to them, and the

Queen will meet us there. You may keep your weapons.”

I looked over at Casteel. His jaw flexed as he nodded

curtly. “Well, we might as well. We are here to see the Blood


And it wasn’t like we had a choice.

Gods, this was why there’d been no guards underneath.

It could’ve also been why we’d had no problem entering the

city. They already knew we were coming in using a different

route, and earlier than expected. We’d lost the upper hand

before we even realized it, and we were the ones caught off


The guards waited until we started walking, led by the

strange woman. Casteel stuck close to my side as Ian fell

into step beside me.

He stared straight ahead as we traveled the windowless

hall. “I hope you’re well, sister,” he said, and I looked up at

him, staying silent. “And that your travels after we last met

went well.”

My gaze sharpened on him, and he glanced briefly at

me. I could read nothing from those fathomless eyes or from

him, but was he trying to ask about Nyktos’s guards without

giving anything away?

“They did,” I lied.

His features eased in the slightest, and I swore it was

relief. “Good.”

“You’re in—” I stopped myself from blurting out what I

suspected. The woman in front of us looked over her

shoulder. “You’re alone? Where is your wife?”

“Lady Claudeya remains in the capital.”

Casteel’s hand brushed mine as we entered the Great

Hall. Like the hallway, there was no sunlight. Heavy, deep

crimson drapes covered the windows, and a knight was

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