The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“Now, I was ordered to not shed blood unnecessarily,

something I admit I have a tiny bad habit of doing,” she told

us, looking up at the hardened lines of Delano’s face as he

strained against her, unable to break free of her grip—the

hold of a painted woman who had to be several inches

shorter than me. She held Delano in place while standing on

the tips of her toes. “So, please do not even think about

shifting and forcing me to make bloodshed an unfortunately

necessary thing.”

“What in the hell are you?” Delano growled.

“A Handmaiden?” I suggested, thinking of the woman I

knew as my mother—who could very well have been my

mother by blood.

“Yes. That, and many other things.” Unpainted lips

curved up in a tight smile as her gaze flicked to us. “But

right now, I’m simply your friendly escort.” Her stare was

unflinching as the sound of many footfalls echoed from both

sides of the hall. “One of many escorts, that is.”

Within seconds, Royal Guards filled both sides of the

windowless hallway, swords drawn. Among them were

armored knights. There were dozens, and the knights

appeared as they had in Spessa’s End. The comb atop their

helmets was dyed crimson, and they wore the red-painted

masks that covered the upper parts of their faces.

I exhaled raggedly.

“Let him go,” Casteel demanded, his chin dipping low.

“And we’ll behave if you behave.”

Those eerie eyes focused on him, and I sensed a quick

burst of tartness—a great unease—from the woman. But it

was brief, and she smiled broadly then, revealing two rows

of…fangless teeth. “Of course,” she replied quite cheerfully.

“I excel at behaving.”

I had a feeling that was a lie.

We waited, hearts pounding, and the eather in my chest

straining against my skin. I could take them all out, just like I

had with the Unseen on the road to Evaemon.

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