The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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no longer knew what I read. Until I couldn’t make sense of

the words, and the journal slipped from my grip, falling

closed on the desk, and I shamelessly writhed against his

mouth and hand. The release came all at once, rushing over

me in stunning, crashing waves.

I was still trembling when he rose above me, tearing at

his breeches. His…his cock was just as hard as the one I’d

read about, just as proud and…glistening with a bead of


“Poppy?” he breathed as his lips danced over my jaw,

down my throat.


The sound he made nearly sent me over the edge all

over again. “I just want you to know one thing.” His mouth

hovered over my wildly beating pulse before he eased me

onto my back. He gripped my hips, tugging me to the edge

of the desk. My feet slipped free of the arms of the chair. I

curled my legs around his waist as his lips skated down my

throat, over my chest, and to the aching tip of a breast. “I’m

still in complete control.”

He thrust into me at the same moment his fangs pierced

my skin. Twin bursts of fiery pain lanced my breast, stunning

me for a brief second, and then my entire body spasmed at

the deep, staggering pull of his mouth. He devoured, and he

fucked, just as he’d said he wanted to. Heat flowed through

my body, igniting a fire that couldn’t be controlled. He drank

from me as his body moved in and out of me, and when he

lifted his head from the tingling skin of my breast and bit

into his wrist, I didn’t look away from the bright red liquid

welling on his skin.

“Just in case you need it,” he rasped, lips smeared

crimson with my blood, with his.

I didn’t think about it. Maybe later I would wonder why it

felt so natural to sit up and close my mouth over the wound,

and what that could signify for later, but I was beyond


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