The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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I didn’t touch the glass. “And you know what has

happened in Atlantia? Solis?”

“I am the King of Gods.” He leaned back, crossing a leg

over the other. The repose and everything about him was

relaxed. It rattled me because there was a thread of

intensity under the looseness. “What do you think?”

My lips parted in disbelief. “Then you know about the

Ascended—what they’ve done to people. To mortals. Your

children. How have you not intervened? Why haven’t any of

the gods stepped in to do something to stop them?” The

moment my demands left my mouth, my entire body seized

with dread. He was most certainly going to kill me now,

shared blood or not.

But he smiled. “You are so much like her.” He laughed.

“She will be thrilled to learn this.”

My shoulders tightened. “Who?”

“Do you know that most of the gods who sleep now

were not the first gods?” Nyktos asked instead of answering,

sipping his wine. “There were others known as the Primal.

They were the ones who created the air we breathe, the

land we reap, the seas that surround us, the realms and all

in between.”

“No, I didn’t know that,” I admitted, thinking of what

Jansen had said about Nyktos once being the God of Death

and the Primal God of Common Men and Endings.

“Most do not. They were once great rulers and

protectors of man. That did not last. Much like with the

children of those who sleep now, they became tainted and

twisted, corrupt and uncontrollable,” he told me, his gaze

moving to his drink. “If you knew what they had become,

the kind of wrath and evil they spread upon the lands and

man, you would be haunted till the end of your days. We

had to stop them. We did.” That one eyebrow, his right one,

rose again. “But not before we ended the mortal lands as

those who survived remembered, sending them into the

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