The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“Uh.” Kieran started to back up as he stared behind us.


I whipped around, my lips parting as a piece of the

stone shattered over the side of the beast’s face and fell

away, revealing a deeper shade of gray and—

An eye.

An actual open eye of vivid blue with an aura of

luminous white behind a thin, vertical pupil.

“Oh, shit,” Emil whispered. “Shit. Shit. Run—”

A deep rumbling sound came from within the statue,

causing icy fear to drench my skin. Fissures raced through

the stone. Sections both large and small fell away, thumping

off the ground.

I was frozen where I stood. No one ran. They too had

locked up. Maybe it was out of disbelief or an intuitive

knowledge that running wouldn’t save us. This wasn’t a

stone dragon.

It was a draken in its true form, rising from where it had

been resting against the ground, its large, muscular body

shaking off the dust and tiny pieces of stone.

I might’ve stopped breathing.

The deep, rumbling sound continued as the draken

swung its head toward us, its thick, spiked tail sweeping

across the diamonds. Two vibrant blue eyes locked with


“Stay completely still,” Casteel ordered quietly. “Please,

Poppy. Do not move.”

Like I could do anything else?

A low snarled vibrated from the draken as its lips peeled

back, revealing a row of large teeth sharper than any blade.

The draken lowered its head toward me.

My heart might’ve stopped.

I was staring at a draken—a real, live draken, and it was

magnificent and frightening and beautiful.

The draken’s nostril’s flared as it sniffed the air—sniffed

me. The snarling eased as it continued staring with eyes so

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