The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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surface. Silvery-white light crowded the sides of my vision

as it sparked over my skin—

The skeleton soldiers turned toward me. All of them.

Their mouths opened as they screamed. Smoke poured from

the voids, falling to the ground.

“Oh.” Kieran straightened. “Shit.”

That didn’t remotely articulate what I felt as hundreds of

serpents slithered over the earth, around the holes. Cursing

violently, Casteel stomped his boot down again. The soldiers

moved in unison, sprinting toward me—

In my mind, I didn’t picture the fine webbing. I needed

something faster, more intense. Something final. And I

didn’t even know why, but I thought of the torches inside

the Temple of Nyktos and their silvery flames.


Gods, if I was wrong, I wouldn’t be the only one

regretting this, but I pictured the flames in my mind, silvery

white and intense. My hands warmed and tingled. My entire

body throbbed with heat—heat and power. I didn’t know if it

was instinct or if it was because the serpents were so close,

but I lifted my hands.

Silver-white flames spiraled down my arms and erupted

from my palms—erupted from me. Someone gasped. It

could’ve been me. The fire roared, licking the ground and

catching the serpents. The creatures hissed and screeched

as the flames consumed them. The inferno rolled across the

land, hitting the skeletons with a wave of flames. Crackling,

fiery light streaked between Casteel and Kieran, washing

over the soldiers there and then spread out from me,

following exactly what I saw in my mind, burning only the

skeletons and serpents, leaving everything else untouched.

And then I pulled back the eather, picturing it receding and

returning to me. The fire pulsed intensely, straining toward

Casteel and the others as if it wanted to consume them, too,

but I didn’t want that. The flames turned bright white,

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