The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“This is Wilhelmina Colyns,” Valyn announced, and

every single part of my body flashed hot and then cold.

“She joined the Council after you…”

Valyn was speaking, but my heart was pounding so fast

that I couldn’t be sure if he even spoke a language I

understood. Oh, my gods, it was Miss Willa.

The Miss Willa.

Standing in front of us.

How could I have forgotten that she was a member of

the Council?

A wild wave of amusement rolled off Casteel so strong

that I almost laughed. “Wilhelmina,” Casteel drawled, and I

looked at him.

And then I remembered that this was Casteel, and he

could say anything in front of his father—and his mother.

And, oh my gods—

“We have not met,” I said quickly, reaching down and

placing my hand on his arm. I squeezed hard. “It is an honor

to meet you.”

“A huge honor,” Casteel added while confusion pinched

his father’s features.

Miss Willa smiled. “The honor is all mine.”

“Are you all ready?” Eloana asked, thankfully


I could’ve hugged and kissed the woman. “Yes.” I

squeezed Casteel’s arm, just knowing he was about to say

something else. “We are.”

“Perfect.” Eloana glanced at Willa. “Would you like

something to drink?”

“Whiskey, if you have it,” Willa answered.

Eloana laughed. “Now you know we always have that on


The remaining Elders entered the room, taking seats at

the table. Only Vonetta remained inside with us, the rest of

the wolven standing guard outside the closed doors. Willa

joined the Elders, whiskey in hand. Casteel’s parents did not

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