The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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That throaty, smoky voice stopped me. A wave of tiny

bumps pimpled my skin. I turned around and felt as if the

floor fell out from under my feet. A woman stood there, her

hair a deep black and thickly curled, hanging loosely to

frame deep, rich brown skin. Full, red lips curved into an

impish smile as she dipped in a bow that was subtle even in

a gray tunic and pants.

My lips parted. I couldn’t believe who I was staring at.

“You were at the Red Pearl,” I exclaimed as Vonetta looked

up, cocking her head to the side. “You sent me to the room

Casteel was in.”

The woman before me’s smile grew as she straightened,

the soft scent of jasmine surrounding us as she whispered,

“I was right, wasn’t I? About what you found in that room.”

“You were, but how…?” Was she a changeling? I knew

they could know things by speaking or touching someone.

Others simply knew things. So many questions rose to the

tip of my tongue, starting with why she’d done that and

what she had been doing at the Red Pearl. She had been

dressed as one of the employees—

Casteel slid his arm along my lower back as he came to

stand by my side. He lowered his head, pressing his lips

against my cheek as he said, “I grew lonely and came to

find you.”

In any other situation, I would’ve pointed out that he

hadn’t been alone, and I also would’ve been secretly thrilled

with his willingness to say such a thing in front of another,

but this was not a normal situation. I stared at the woman

before us.

“Ah, the last of you have arrived,” Valyn announced as

he joined us, stopping beside the woman from the Red

Pearl. Over his shoulder, I saw Eloana. He smiled at the

woman. “I don’t think you’ve had a chance to meet before.”

“We haven’t,” Casteel confirmed, as I kept my mouth

shut, and the woman smiled at me.

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