The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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longer than normal to awaken from what I hear. A few days.

So, I imagine tomorrow, perhaps?”

A…a few days? Tomorrow? “How long have I been out?”

“Two days. Maybe three.”

Good gods.

I didn’t even want to think about the damage done to

my head that would have knocked me out for that long. But

the others hadn’t been struck as many times as Casteel.

Kieran would likely be awake now. So would Jasper. And

maybe the other—

“I know what you’re thinking,” the male cut into my

thoughts. “That the wolven will feel your call. That they will

come for you. No, they won’t. The bones nullify the Primal

notam. They also negate any and all abilities, reducing you

to what you are at your very core. Mortal.”

Was that why I felt nothing from this man? That wasn’t

exactly what I’d wanted to hear. Panic threatened to dig its

claws into me once more, but the shadowy form moved

closer, stepping into the glow of the torch.

My entire body went rigid at the sight of the man

dressed in all black. Every part of me rebelled at what I saw.

It didn’t make sense. It was impossible. But I recognized the

dark, buzzed hair, the hard-set jaw, and thin lips. Now I

knew why his laugh sounded so familiar.

It was the commander of the Royal Guard.

Commander Jansen.

“You’re dead,” I breathed, staring up at him as he

drifted between the pillars.

A dark eyebrow rose. “Whatever gave you that

impression, Penellaphe?”

“The Ascended discovered that Hawke wasn’t who he

said he was shortly after we left.” What Lord Chaney had

told me in that carriage resurfaced. “They said the

Descenters infiltrated the highest ranks of the Royal Guard.”

“They did, but they didn’t catch me.” One side of

Jansen’s lips curved up as he strolled forward, his fingers

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