The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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and hair tousled. What I felt from him wasn’t acidic or

empty. It was warm and sultry, spicy and sweet.

“That was incredibly hot,” he remarked.

A husky, echoing laugh left me. His comment—as

twisted and wrong as it was—helped me pull all that power

back inside. I pictured the shimmering web fading, and

when it did, I shut down my senses, and the silvery-white

glow faded from my skin.

I stared at what was left of the attackers, searching for

any sign of remorse, but all I found was a sense of sadness

for a life wasted. These people, the members of the Unseen,

could’ve chosen anything for themselves, and they had

chosen this—actions based on one-sided beliefs of

bloodlines and a fake prophecy.

“You okay?” Delano’s soft question intruded on my


I looked over at him and nodded. “You?”

His pale eyes searched mine. “Yes.”

“Gods.” Emil’s lip curled as he dragged a hand over his

face, wiping away the greasy blood as he stared down at the

ashes and piles of oily dirt. “What did they really hope to


It was clear to me what they wanted.

Seeking out Casteel, my gaze locked with his. His eyes,

like vibrant chips of glacial topaz, held mine. “They don’t

want me to take the Crown,” I said. “They failed. So will

anyone else who thinks they can stop me.”

A razor-thin smile appeared on Casteel’s face. “Damn


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