The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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A dimple appeared in his right cheek. “Poppy, you will

be Queen. You will be able to do whatever you want.”

“Oh,” I murmured as Delano chuckled. I could…I could

do whatever I wanted? I blinked as I focused on the road

ahead. Anything? That was a unique feeling. A shocking

one. I exhaled raggedly. “Then I would—”

An arrow whizzed past my head. I gasped, jerking to the

side as Casteel reached over.

“Grab her reins,” he bit out, encircling an arm around

my waist.

Cursing, Kieran leaned over, grabbing Storm’s reins as

Casteel dragged me onto Setti. Another arrow flew over our


“Motherfuckers.” Naill grunted. Over his shoulder, I saw

him glance down at his arm.

“Are you okay?” I shouted as Casteel wheeled Setti to

the side, angling himself so his body shielded mine.

“Barely a flesh wound,” the Atlantian growled, baring

fangs. “Won’t be able to say the same for those dead


I twisted in the saddle. All I saw were bronze masks.

The Unseen.

Dozens of them stood in the road, some armed with

bows, and others with swords. Gyrms. The skin of their bare

chests carried the grayish pallor of something that had

never lived.

Then I saw nothing but wolven, streaking over the

paved road and through the reedy grass, taking down those

who held bows. Their screams were cut short as teeth sank

deep into throats. Naill flew past us, shoving his sword deep

into the chest of a Gyrm as Vonetta leapt over a fallen

Unseen, crashing into the back of another. Several Gyrms

breached the wolven, racing toward us as Emil rode past us,

throwing a dagger. The blade pierced a mask, sending the

Unseen falling backward. There wasn’t even time to feel

disappointment over what was happening—that this

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