The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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by nudging the mare with his nose as I thanked Emil. “Does

she have a name?”

“Storm,” he answered as Casteel checked the straps on

the saddle. “Named by the innkeeper’s daughter.”

I grinned as I stroked the fine hairs of the mare’s neck.

“It’s nice to meet you, Storm.”

Casteel raised his brows at me from the other side of

the horse, but at least he wasn’t ripping Emil’s heart out.

Telling myself that this wasn’t a bad idea, I hoisted

myself onto Storm’s back. My stomach flipped and flopped

all over the place. I had no idea if Casteel somehow saw my

nervousness, but he took the reins, holding them for a bit.

Once I got used to the movement and being alone, I took

them. Since we weren’t doing anything beyond a quick trot,

I felt rather confident that I wouldn’t fall off.

Though, both Casteel and Kieran stayed close to me,

riding to my left and right.

“What are you thinking about for the coronation?”

Casteel asked as we rode through a wooded area. “Typically,

it’s an all-day celebration—a feast along with a ball.”

A feast? Ball? Excitement bubbled up in me. For so

many years, I’d wanted nothing more than to join the balls

held at Castle Teerman, fascinated by the sounds and

laughter, the dresses and artful makeup, and how the

anticipation permeated the crowds. It was a reckless sort of

happiness. I…I wanted that. To be in a pretty dress, have my

hair done, my face painted, and to…to dance with Casteel.

But balls took weeks to plan, and I imagined coronations

took even longer. And we didn’t have days to spare to plan

such an event.

“I would enjoy a ball,” I said. “But I don’t think we have

time for that.”

Casteel nodded. “I think you’re right.”

“Is it something that can be done later?” I wondered. “I

mean, after we’re crowned officially and have dealt with the

Blood Crown and everything with that?”

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