The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“They became too dangerous. Too powerful. Too…

unpredictable.” He paused, and I swallowed hard. It took no

leap of logic to assume that those against the wall and

before me were deities. “Too much of a threat. Just like you.”

“I’m not a threat,” I snarled.

“You’re not? You killed many.”

My fingers curled inward. “They attacked me for no

reason. They hurt—” My voice cracked. “They hurt the

wolven. Their Prince. My—”

“Your heartmate?” he suggested. “A union of not only

the hearts but also of the soul. Rare and more powerful than

any bloodline. Many would consider such a thing a miracle.

Tell me, do you think it’s a miracle now?”

“Yes,” I growled without hesitation.

He laughed, and yet again, something tugged at the

recesses of my memories. “You will then be relieved to know

that they are all safe. The King and Queen—those two

wolven, even the Prince,” he said, and I might’ve stopped

breathing. “If you don’t believe that, you can trust the

marriage imprint.”

My heart stuttered. I hadn’t even thought of that.

Casteel had told me that the imprint faded upon the death

of one of the partners. That was how some had learned of

their heartmate’s demise.

Part of me didn’t want to look, but I had to. A hollowness

filled my stomach as my gaze shifted to my left hand. It

trembled as I turned it over. The golden swirl across my

palm glimmered faintly.

Relief cut so swiftly through me that I had to clamp my

mouth shut to stop the cry from rising up from the very

depths of my being. The imprint was still there. Casteel was

alive. I shuddered again, tears scorching my throat. He was


“Sweet,” he whispered. “So very sweet.”

An uneasy sensation crept over my skin, stealing bits

and pieces of the relief.

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