The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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He didn’t answer for a long moment. “I believe in things

that make sense, Poppy. Him telling you to wake Nyktos

because his guards can defeat the Blood Crown only makes

sense if he was trying to help us. I cannot think of how that

would help the Blood Crown. Like I said in there, they have

not indicated that they want you dead. I do think he’s trying

to help you—help us—at great risk to himself. For him to be

willing to do that to help his sister has to mean that he’s still

in there. A normal Ascended would be looking out for only

themselves. He’s not like them.”

I briefly closed my eyes, nodding. Hearing that Casteel

believed that Ian was still in there erased the tiny doubts I

still had and made what we needed to talk about easier.

“And that could mean that some Ascended, young ones like

Ian, who might not have had years and years to control their

bloodlust, aren’t a lost cause.”

“It could.”

“And Atlantia is preparing for war—to kill all the

Ascended. Your mother told me it wouldn’t matter if Ian

wasn’t like the others. They wouldn’t take that risk.” I

moved to what was left of a pier, sitting on a stone post. “I

can’t let that happen. We can’t let that happen.”

Casteel turned to me, remaining quiet.

I took a deep breath as I looked up at him. “It’s not just

about my brother. Yes, he’s a big reason. I know your

mother wants me to choose the Crown because I love

Atlantia, but there isn’t enough time for me to feel that way.

I…I don’t know if I need to right now. Because I am already

protective of Atlantia and her people. I don’t want to see

them used by the Ascended or harmed during a war. I also

don’t want to see Solis ravaged. I know you don’t either.”

“I don’t.”

My hands started to tremble, so I folded them between

my knees. “I have no idea how to rule a kingdom, but I know

that can be learned. You said so. Your mother said so. I don’t

know if I’m ready for that, or if I would ultimately make a

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