The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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I nodded in agreement. “Are you familiar with Oak


A smoky smile appeared as he shared a quick glance

with Kieran. “We’ve been to and infiltrated Castle Redrock.”

My brows lifted. “Do I want to know why you did that

and what the outcome was?”

His gaze sharpened, burned. “Probably not.”

“Let’s just say some Ascended there won’t be missed by

those who call Oak Ambler home,” Kieran commented. “It’s

probably best if you don’t know more.”

“It would be wise for us to arrive before they expect us,”

Casteel said, and I nodded.

“I can agree with that. I can also say for sure that your

father will be pissed when he hears that the Blood Crown

knows that Atlantia has been gathering forces to the north,”

Jasper muttered, dragging a hand down his face as he

looked at Casteel. “Hell.”

I stilled, my gaze finding Casteel’s once more. When Ian

had dropped that unexpected tidbit, I couldn’t understand

how they knew. Now, I did. “Alastir.”

Casteel’s jaw hardened. “From what my father said, only

the Council was aware of the true purpose behind the

armies being moved to the north. The public believes it’s a

training exercise, but Alastir knew.”

“And he’d been communicating with the Ascended.” I

shook my head. “How in the world could he have justified

sharing that kind of information with the Ascended as

something that would’ve benefited Atlantia?”

Jasper snorted. “I think Alastir had a lot of beliefs that

didn’t make sense, but maybe he did that in hopes that

Solis would strike first, forcing Atlantia’s hand. A backup

plan in case all else failed.”

That made unfortunate sense. “Who knows what else he

could’ve told them?”

That quieted the room, and in the silence, my mind

returned to bouncing between Ian and what it meant for the

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