The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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intensity, stealing my breath. My entire body tensed as I

lifted myself and brought my body back down, drinking as

deeply from his lips as he did from mine. The fine, rough

hairs on his chest teased the aching tips of my breasts as I

rode him.

“Yours.” Stark need shone through the slits of his eyes.

“Now. Forever. Always.”

My fingers tightened around his hair. With each roll of

my hips, he reached that spot inside me, the one that sent

pleasure bounding through every limb. I moved faster,

moaning as I angled my body toward his. I shuddered,

letting go of his arm and dragging my hand over his chest. A

wildness entered my veins as the friction of the hard length

of him ignited a fire. I kissed him greedily, sucking on his lip,

his tongue. His hands gripped my hips as he lifted his,

meeting my thrusts.

“Should have known,” he said, his breath coming in

shorter, faster pants. “You’d love doing it like this.”

“I love…I just love doing it,” I whispered. “With you.”

His hands slid to my rear, cupping it as he rocked me

harder against him. “Yeah, you do.” He squeezed, holding

me tightly against him until there wasn’t a breath of space

between us. “Promise me.”

All the throbbing tension in me curled tightly. I tried to

lift myself but he held me in place. “Anything,” I rasped, my

nails digging into his skin. “Anything, Cas.”

“If Ian is what you fear and giving him peace is

something you cannot safely carry out…” he said, his words

causing my already stuttering heart to skip. He dragged his

hand up my back, fisting his fingers in my hair. He tugged

my head to his. “Promise me that if it puts you at risk, you

won’t attempt it. That you will wait until it’s safe. Promise

me that.”

The words spilled from me. “I promise.”

Casteel moved at once, lifting me from his lap and onto

my belly. Before I had a chance to take a breath, he thrust

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