The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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Casteel slid his hand across my upper chest, curling his

arm around me from behind as he bowed his head to mine.

“Poppy,” he whispered.


My chest tightened as sorrow sank its claws so deeply

into me, I could taste the bitterness in my throat. I knew

better. Casteel had told me that he believed Ian had

Ascended. This shouldn’t be news to me, but a part of me

had hoped…had prayed that Ian hadn’t. It had absolutely

nothing to do with the fact that it confirmed we either

shared one parent—our nameless birth mother—or possibly

none at all. I didn’t care about that because he was still my

brother. I’d just wanted him to be like me, to have Ascended

into something else. Or that he simply hadn’t become a

vampry. Then I wouldn’t have to make that choice I’d just

spoken to Queen Eloana about.

“I’m sorry,” Vonetta whispered.

The back of my throat burned as I closed my eyes.

Images of Ian and me flashed rapidly behind my lids—us

collecting shells along the glistening beaches of the Stroud

Sea, him older and sitting with me in my bare room in

Masadonia, telling me stories of tiny creatures with

gossamer wings who lived in the trees. Ian hugging me

goodbye before he left for the capital—

And all of that was gone now? Replaced by something

that preyed upon others?

Anger and grief rushed through me like a river swelling

over its banks. Off in the distance, I heard a wolven’s

mournful howl—

Vonetta dropped my hands as another keening wail tore

through the air, closer this time. The anger inside me grew.

My skin began to hum. That cellular need from earlier, when

I realized what could have been done to my birth parents,

returned. I wanted to utterly and completely destroy

something. I wanted to see those armies that Queen Eloana

had spoken of unleashed. I wanted to watch them crest the

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