The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“I would say that doesn’t sound like a compromise at

all,” I stated. “It sounds like Atlantia basically closed their

borders and spent centuries preparing for war, biding their

time instead of trying to negotiate with Solis, despite the

failures of the past. Meanwhile, the Ascended continued to

grow, to kill, and to terrorize. So, no, that doesn’t sound like

a compromise. It sounds like complicity to me. And trust me,

I would know since I was complicit for years. The only

difference is that I didn’t know the truth—and that is a poor

excuse when all I had to do was open my eyes to what was

really happening. However, those within Atlantia always

knew the truth and did nothing, allowing the Ascended to

take root.”

A sense of wariness radiated from Kieran as Queen

Eloana left the blossom alone and looked at me. But if my

words angered or upset the Queen, I truly did not care at

the moment. She had basically just told me that my brother

would be killed—that it didn’t matter if any of the Ascended

were capable of change. And yes, I had my doubts, but that

didn’t mean they couldn’t. And the innocent people who

would die were sure as hell worth at least trying.

“Brave,” the Queen murmured. “You are very brave.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know if it’s bravery or not. I

know that Atlantia’s involvement would’ve been

complicated, but neither Casteel nor I want war.”

“But you said—”

“I said I wanted to see the Ascended destroyed,” I cut

in. “And I do. I want to see the Blood Crown destroyed, but

that does not mean I want an all-out war. I may not have

been alive during the last war, but I know the innocent will

suffer the most—the people of Solis and the Atlantians.

Maybe those within Atlantia cannot feel sympathy for those

in Solis, but they are not the enemy here. They are also


“Part of what you said is correct. We have been biding

our time,” she said after a pause of silence. “But what you

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