The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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Through the soaring spikes of purple and blue flowers,

Kieran matched our movements through the garden as we

fell silent. If he was trying to be inconspicuous, he was

failing. Queen Eloana noted where my attention had gone.

“You will need to get used to someone always a few steps


My gaze shifted to her. “I had many shadows when I was

the Maiden.”

“And my son was one of them.” She stopped in front of a

towering shrub of pale pink blossoms that formed an arch

over a stone bench.

“He was.”

“Would you mind if we sat?” she asked. “I am far older

than I appear and haven’t gotten much sleep the last couple

of nights.”

Wondering exactly how old she was, I sat.

“I have a question for you,” she said once she was

seated beside me. “You and Casteel…” She drew in a short

breath, but I felt it. The punch of potent anguish as she

slowly exhaled. “You plan to find and free Malik?”

This was why she’d wanted to speak to me in private. I

started to respond when I stopped myself from lying—

because I didn’t have any reason to lie. Casteel and I were

no longer pretending to be in love to gain what we both

sought. We were in love, and that didn’t change what we

believed or wanted to achieve. However, as I focused on her

emotions, her anguish was a tangy, bitter taste in the back

of my throat, and I didn’t want to add to that.

But if I had any hope of fostering a relationship with

Casteel’s mother beyond a rather antagonistic one, I

couldn’t build it on a foundation of lies. “We do plan to find

and free Malik.”

“And that is why my son took you?” she asked, her

amber eyes bright—too bright. “In the beginning? He

kidnapped you?”

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