The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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Another small smile appeared on her lips. “I remember

the deities, Penellaphe. While many could be prone to all

manner of misdeeds, not all of them were that way. The

others? If they had gone to sleep like the gods, who’s to say

what would’ve become of the deities? We’ll never know. But

Malec…he wasn’t a bad man, Penellaphe.”

Even though I had just basically said that Malec was

nothing more than a stranger to me, part of me filled with

curiosity and the need to learn more about the man who

was my father. That had to be natural. “He wasn’t?” I asked


Her hair shone a blue-black in the sunlight as she shook

her head. “He wasn’t a bad ruler. For a long time, he was

fair and just. And he could be very generous and kind. He

was never abusive toward me or intentionally cruel.”

“He was unfaithful. Repeatedly,” I said, and immediately

wished I hadn’t voiced what I was thinking. “I’m sorry. I


“No need to apologize,” she said with a low laugh. “He

was unfaithful and, yes, repeatedly. The man had two heads,

and I’m sure you can guess which one he used most.”

It took me a moment to realize what she meant, and

then my eyes widened.

“But he wasn’t like that when we first met. It was only

toward the end that I started to see this…stirring inside him.

This great unrest that I came to believe, even before what

he’d done with his mistress, was because he was becoming

something else. I…I don’t know what happened, what

changed him so that he was no longer satisfied with me and

the life we were trying to build. Why the generosity and

kindness that had once been second nature to him faded.

But I know it was no fault of mine, and I have long since

stopped wondering and caring about why he sought

completion and purpose in the arms of others. What I am

trying to say is that your father wasn’t a monster,

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