The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“Yes,” both Casteel and Kieran answered.

“Wow,” I said, ducking my chin against Casteel’s arm as

I smiled.

But Kieran was right. As he broke away from us, joining

several others who stood near a few of the canopied tents,

only waves and smiles greeted us. Taking my sandals from

me, Casteel dropped them onto the sand and then

unstrapped his swords, lying them on a blanket—a sign that

he felt it was safe to do so here. Sitting, he pulled me down

so I was nestled between his legs, facing the bonfire.

I’d completely lost sight of Delano as I relaxed in

Casteel’s embrace, but I found Kieran a few moments later,

talking with a tall, dark-haired female. That was about all I

could see of her from a distance. “Who is Kieran speaking

to?” I asked.

Casteel looked over the top of my head. “I think her

name is Lyra. If that’s who I think it is. She’s a bit younger

than Kieran and me, but her family is close to his.”

“Oh,” I whispered, watching them and thinking of what

Kieran had once said about loving and losing someone. He’d

never expounded on that, but what I’d felt from him when

he spoke was the kind of anguish one felt when the person

they loved was no longer in the realm of the living. It made

me happy to see him with someone, even if they were just

talking and laughing. Not that I would share that with him.

He’d probably consider it a question.

“You know how you said it was weird to be a Queen to

the wolven but not be a wolven?” Cas said after a few

moments. “It made me think of how when I met you, I was

looking for the Maiden, but I found a Princess, a Queen—my

wife.” He laughed, and it sounded as if it were one of awe. “I

don’t know. It just made me think about how you find things

you never knew you needed when you’re looking for

something completely opposite.”

“Or not looking at all,” I said, my nose scrunching. “Or

maybe I was looking. I went to the Red Pearl that night

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