The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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one look, he picked up his pace, entering the stables. “My

little girl. Marji. She was right beside us,” he told us, his

voice cracking. “We told her to wait, but she…she just took

off, and we didn’t see the carriage. We didn’t see her do it

until it was too late. The Healer says that nothing can be

done, but she still breathes, and we heard—” Wild, dilated

eyes flicked to me as Harlan brought Setti forward. “We

heard about what you did in Spessa’s End. If you could help

my little girl… Please? I beg of you.”

“There’s no need to beg,” I told him, heart twisting as

his grief tore through me. “I can try to help her.”

“Thank you,” the man’s words came out with a rush of

air. “Thank you.”

“Where is she?” Casteel asked as he took Setti’s reins.

As the man answered, I gripped the saddle and hoisted

myself up without getting my legs tangled in the gown. No

one reacted to how I was able to seat myself on Setti as

Casteel swung up behind me, and Kieran joined us, already

astride his horse. No one spoke as we left the courtyard,

following the man onto the tree-lined road. We rode down

the hill fast, accompanied by the wolven and Delano, who

had shifted and was now a blur of white loping over rocks

and darting between trees and then structures and horses.

We had just talked about seeing the city, but this wasn’t

how I imagined it happening. The ride was a blur of blue

skies and a sea of faces, narrow, tight roads, and gardens

nestled between sweeping buildings adorned with heavily

flowered vines. I couldn’t focus on any of it as the urge to

help the child took center stage. And that desire…it was

different. It was hard to comprehend because the need to

help others with my gift had always been there, but this was

more intense. As if it was an instinct that equaled breathing.

And I didn’t know if that had anything to do with everything

that had happened or if it was borne of the need to learn if

my gifts could still ease pain and heal instead of what I’d

done at the Chambers.

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