The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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It could’ve been last night, when Jasper had left, and Kieran

wanted to discuss the tunnel systems. Casteel had taken

the seat Kieran had occupied, rearranging me so I was all

but cradled against him as they spoke. I was amazed by

how much they recalled regarding the tunnels, still able to

remember the differences in certain underground rock

formations and the scents that changed depending on which

tunnel they were in. I’d only briefly been in the one that led

to the beautiful, lilac-filled cavern in Spessa’s End, and the

other that rested below New Haven, to view the names of

those who had died at the hands of the Ascended.

So many more names needed to be added to that wall.

But as they talked, I couldn’t help but wonder if some

kind of prophecy did exist. If hardly anyone knew that

Iliseeum rested beyond the mountains, then was it possible

for there to be a prophecy that no one knew about? Or was

that comparing apples to oranges? I didn’t know.

Before Kieran left, I’d asked about the wolven named

Sage—the one who was supposed to be patrolling the wall.

She had been found on the other side of the wall, having

been struck from behind. The injury and the subsequent fall

from the wall would’ve either seriously injured or killed a

mortal, but according to Kieran, who had checked in on the

wolven before returning to our rooms with the book, she

would recover in a day or so. Hearing that and learning that

there had been no casualties among the wolven or anyone

else who had engaged in the battle with the Gyrms had

filled me with a lot of relief. That could’ve aided in me not

feeling so overwhelmed.

It also could’ve been the sweet kiss that Casteel had

given me after I woke this morning and before he left to

shower. Or how his eyes were pools of warm gold when he

looked upon me. Before he left the bed, he’d told me that

his father’s visit had been borne of worry. That he hadn’t

liked how things had ended between them in the Temple of

Saion. I was glad to hear that they’d cleared the air between

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