The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“I think it is,” I said. “It reminds me of the Ascended.

They used fear, half-truths, and outright lies to control the

people of Solis. They would often create hysteria like the

Duke did after the attack on the Rise. Remember?” I

glanced at Casteel, who nodded. “Placing the blame of the

Craven attack on the Descenters when, in reality, they had

been the ones to create those monsters. But by doing so, by

creating unrest and suspicion among the people, it made

them easier to control. Because the people were too busy

pointing fingers at one another rather than joining together

and looking toward the Ascended as the root of their woes.”

I tucked a strand of my hair back, unused to having so many

listening—so many looking at me.

“I was just thinking that if the Unseen were behind the

destruction of crops and vandalism, they could be doing it to

create more unrest—to get people angry or suspicious, just

in time for them to provide someone to blame for what is


“That someone being you?” the King asked.

Tension crept into my muscles. “It appears that way.”

King Valyn inclined his head as he studied me. “Unrest

and unease are two very powerful destabilizers of any

society. No matter how great one is, they can be taken apart

piece by piece from the inside, often weakening the

foundation to the point of collapse before anyone realizes

what is happening.”

“I have a lot of questions,” I announced the moment

Casteel ushered me back into our room, and King Valyn left.

“Not a single person in the entirety of either kingdom

would be surprised by that,” Kieran stated as he closed the

veranda doors behind him. “Not even remotely.”

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