The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“You really believe Alastir was involved with them?”

Casteel asked with a sneer. “A group of men who feel

emasculated by the fact that the actual Guardians of

Atlantia are all female, so they desperately cling to their

special, secret group?”

“Alastir said he belonged to a brotherhood of sorts,” I

reminded Casteel. “He called himself a Protector of


“I had no knowledge of Alastir’s involvement in any of

this before the attack at the Chambers,” his father said.

“But after seeing those masks at the ruins, I began to

wonder if it was the Unseen. If they have returned, and if

they are behind much more.”

I thought of what Kieran had shared with me before.

Casteel was thinking along the same lines. “You’re talking

about the destroyed crops, fires, and vandalism?”

His father’s lips were pressed into a hard line as he


“We don’t think they’ve been active this entire time,”

Hisa said. “Or if they have been practicing, they weren’t

acting upon any perceived notions of oaths. That’s changed,

however. And it changed before news of the Prince’s…” She

trailed off, her brow pinching as she appeared to search for

how to phrase what she wanted to say next. “It changed

before news of our Prince’s entanglement with you.”

Entanglement sounded vastly less awkward than

capture, so I had to give it to her. She knew how to be


“How can you be sure they are responsible for the

vandalism?” Kieran asked.

“The mask.” Hisa lifted the one she still held. “We found

one of them at the site of a fire that destroyed several

homes near the water. We weren’t sure it was connected—

there is still no hard evidence. But with this?” She looked

around the now-empty courtyard. “And them wearing these

masks at the ruins? They have to be connected.”

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