The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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then brought the dagger down, a direct hit to the chest.

Springing to my feet, I turned to find another.

The creature lifted his sword, and I snapped forward,

blocking its blow as I shoved the dagger deep into its chest.

Yanking the blade free, I darted to the side as it fell apart. I

lifted my gaze to the tall form that had replaced the one

who’d now fallen—

I drew back a step. Casteel’s father stood there, his own

cream-colored shirt splattered with purplish-red liquid. How

many of these things were roaming about? Surprise radiated

from him in waves as his wide gaze swept over me, and that

was about when I remembered that I wore nothing but

Casteel’s shirt—his now-ruined shirt.


Could I not meet Casteel’s family under normal


“Hello,” I murmured, straightening.

King Valyn’s brows lifted, and then he lurched toward

me, his sword rising. My heart stuttered as panic seized me.

I froze in horrified disbelief. He was going to—

Grabbing my arm as he thrust out with his sword, he

yanked me to the side. Air punched out of my lungs as I

stumbled, finding a masked Gyrm impaled on the King’s


“T-thank you,” I stuttered as the thing shattered.

Amber eyes flashed to mine. “Did you think my strike

was meant for you?” he asked.

“I…” Good gods, I really had.

Casteel prowled out of the shadows then, drops of the

purplish blood dotting the striking lines and angles of his

face. He wasn’t alone. Several guards flanked him. His gaze

zeroed in on me, searching for signs of any new injury or

wound. There were none, but if there had been, I knew he

would’ve found them. He stalked right to me, his sword slick

with whatever existed in those creatures lowered at his side.

His star-bright eyes snagged mine and held. My breath

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