The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and..

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“The faucets at the sink are like the ones in the shower

and tub. The handle painted red is hot, and the blue one is

for cold water. You just turn it— Poppy?” There was a smile

in his voice. “Look.”

Blinking, I pulled my gaze from the shower to watch him

turn the red handle. Water poured into the basin.

“Come.” Casteel motioned me forward. “Feel the water.

It’ll be cold for a few seconds.”

I went to his side, slipping my hand into the stream of

water. It was cold and then cool before turning to lukewarm

and then hot. Gasping, I jerked my hand back as my eyes

flew to his.

The dimple in his right cheek deepened. “Welcome to

the land of hot water at your fingertips.”

Awe filled me. Tawny would love this chamber. She

probably would never leave it, demanding her suppers be

served here. Sadness threatened to creep in and crowd out

the joy, and it was hard to set it aside and allow myself to

enjoy this moment. I started to dip my hand into the water

again, but Casteel turned it off. “Hey—”

He took my hand. “You can play with the faucets and

water all day, but let me take care of you first.”

Looking up, I started to tell him there was no need, but I

saw my reflection and stopped moving, stopped thinking.

It was the first time I’d seen myself since I’d awakened

in the cabin. I couldn’t stop staring, and it wasn’t the

absolute mess that was my hair. Lowering my hands to the

rim of the sink, I stared at my reflection.

“What are you doing?” Casteel asked.

“I…I look the same,” I said, noting the strong brow, the

line of my nose, and the width of my mouth. “But I don’t.” I

lifted a hand, touching the scar on my left cheek. His gaze

followed mine to the mirror. “Do the scars look…less to

you?” I asked because they did to me. They were still clearly

noticeable, the one at my hairline that cut through my brow,

and the other that sliced across my temple, reminding me of

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