Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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closed. I do, and I’m absolutely swimming in it, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not trying to make a fashion

statement, I’m just trying to get out of here before I’m caught. Closing the coat around me tightly and

snatching Marie from her blanket bed, I make my way to the door as quietly as I can. I still feel like

I’ll get caught before I manage to leave, but when the elevator doors close and I’m inside, I finally

breathe a little easier.

Snuggling Marie close and kissing the side of her face, I tell her, “We made it, girl.”

She tilts her head to look up at me, not remotely convinced that leaving was an emergency.

I ignore that and pretend she’s totally on my side.

I won’t feel entirely like I’m able to relax until we’re out of his building, but when the doors

open to the lobby, he’s not standing there—somehow dressed in a suit already—with his arms

crossed over his broad shoulders giving me a very unimpressed look as I attempt to flee.

I’m in the clear.

It feels too easy, but I make my way to the door. A different doorman is on duty today, and to his

credit he doesn’t even blink seeing me rush out with my hair all a mess, a cat clutched in my arms,

and a man’s jacket hanging off my body. I must look stark raving mad, but he simply smiles and opens

the door for me.

I thank him and pass through the doorway urgently, lending even more evidence to the

appearance that I’m mad.

I stop on the sidewalk, aware of the sudden—almost reassuring—noise of the bustling city. It

restores a bit of normalcy. People cross the sidewalk in front of me, not seeing or not caring what I

look like.

Moments ago I felt like I was one wrong move away from being a rich man’s captive, but out

here on the busy New York City sidewalk, I’m a normal person again, and Calvin Cutler is just a

really bad dream I need to finish shaking off. I’m awake. I’m free.

It was too easy.

Getting a cab probably won’t be. Not only because I look like I’ve just escaped an asylum and

probably can’t pay, but I also have a cat with me.

Marie looks around at the sights. I don’t usually bring her outside unless we’re going to the vet,

so she side eyes me like I’d better not even try it.

“We’re going home,” I tell her.

I’m not sure if she’s the one who needs to hear it or I am, but I hold onto her and start making my

way down the sidewalk. It’s too far to walk all the way to my place, but I’ll worry about hailing a cab

once I’ve put some distance between us and Calvin’s building.

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