Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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I can’t see him nod, but I can feel it. That’s the answer he expected. “No,” he says in agreement.

“You’re not ready for that yet, are you?”

I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for that, but I don’t say so.

“You need me to go easy on you, don’t you?”

My voice is small. “Yes.”

He pushes his thumb into me. While his finger explores the depths of my pussy, his thumb moves

to my clit. I gasp at the burst of sensation as he circles the sensitive little nub, then roughly runs his

thumb over it.

“Just once, then,” he murmurs. “You’ll come for me once tonight. I promise not to take more than

that, but I want you to stay until morning.”

The muscles in my thighs quiver as he strums my clit almost absently while he talks to me.

“I work in the morning, but you can make me breakfast.”

My whole body shudders as he plays with me, casually winding me so tight I might snap while

he makes our morning plans.

“Can you cook?” he asks, almost as an afterthought.

“Y-yes,” I say, but it’s half whimper as he increases the pressure on my clit and keeps circling.

I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. Instinctively, I shift my hips to try to dislodge him and

stop the desperate pleasure.

“Good,” he murmurs, ignoring my attempt to flee and continuing to tease my clit. “You’re

welcome to stay here until I get home, too. I can have Chef Ryan make us dinner again.” His voice

turns mischievous. “If you never leave, it can still count as the same date.”

Struggling to hold on, I drop back against the bed and reach overhead, though I don’t know for

what. Something to hold onto, something that isn’t him.

He’s like a vampire, feeding on my pleasure the same way he feeds on my fear. He smiles down

at me, then pushes on my hip that keeps lifting off the bed and holds me down while he fingers me.

“Your body is a modern fucking marvel, do you know that?” he asks. “If I could be inside it all

the time, I would. I’m tempted to right now. I know how easy it would be to grab your hips and push

into you. To ignore your cries and your pleas and drive into you harder and harder until I explode

inside this absolutely fucking perfect pussy.” He leans down and murmurs wickedly, “Like last time.

Do you remember?”


It’s a brutal thing to do, reminding me of that when he knows how close my body is to betraying

“Were you worried when I came inside you, Hallie? Did you think about it later when you were

at home in your bed?”

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