Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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I’m tempted to, too. Not because I lack self-control, but because I need to test out her word. I

went into this thinking she was more or less trustworthy, but since she considered me someone not

worth being honest with, we’ve had a couple of bumps. In order to get her where I want her, I have to

know she will hold up her end of the bargain even if I don’t.

But I also need to build her confidence in me. It’s okay if she thinks I’m a lunatic, but she has to

know my word means something.

I did mean what I said, and I will kidnap her and keep her locked up in my room if she makes

me, but I’m realistic. I know that path can’t end well, not for her. If I clip her wings and cage her, if I

abuse her and break her spirit, she won’t really recover. I’ll remain true to my word and let her go,

but she’ll never fly again.

I don’t want to break her; I just want to play with her.

But I must possess the power to break her if I wanted to. She has to know I do, and she has to

trust me enough to give it to me anyway.

It’s a tall order, one that requires a lot of bravery on her part.

If I expect her to fill it, she has to know she’s safe with me.

Well, more or less.

Her pussy isn’t safe, but the rest of her is.

Her pussy likes when I play with it, anyway.

Her pussy isn’t as worried about conventionality as she is.

To prove my point, I reposition myself so that I’m on top of her but no longer pinning her down. I

slide my hand between her legs. She gasps at first and tries to squeeze them shut, but it’s a momentary

lapse, an instinct she hasn’t learned to override yet.

She’ll have to. If she means to let the predator play with her, she’ll have to ignore all those

sensible instincts that tell her not to.

The muscles in her legs relax as she forces herself to calm down. Her chest rises and falls

quickly, her breathing so laborious. She closes her eyes like she can’t watch herself let me do this, but

as soon as I cup her pussy in my hand, it’s like a kitten purring against my palm. I use light touches to

tease her slit. I love watching her body react, tensing and twisting as she tries to move away from the

pleasurable sensations she wants no part of.

Or, she doesn’t want to want any part of.

Her body has no such qualms, it’s an uncomplicated thing concerned with its own pleasure and

not much else. When I finally sink a finger into her pussy, it comes out drenched. An agonized sound

slips out of her as I plunge it back in so easily, her pussy slick with its own juices.

I wonder what that feels like. Shame. Such a senseless emotion, but I’ve never been caught in its

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