Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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soft skin beneath mine. I wanted to fuck you, and remember, I’m a man who takes what he wants.”

There it is. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to swallow past a lump in my throat. I knew, but it still

hurts to hear.


My heart stops.


I’m so surprised, I stop clenching my muscles as tightly and his hand slips between my thighs. He

cups my pussy in the palm of his hand and leans so close, I feel his breath on my skin as he murmurs,

“Right before you passed out, you asked me for a favor. Do you remember that?”

I swallow, but that lump is still lodged stubbornly in my throat as I shake my head.

“You asked me not to hurt you. You said please.” Between my legs, his finger lightly traces

shapes over my entrance. I realize my body doesn’t feel like he’s been inside me. There’s no ache like

there was the last time. No lubrication if he used it so as not to hurt me while I was passed out.

My tummy flutters. I don’t know if it’s the way his finger grazes my entrance, or the hope his

words give me. “You… you didn’t…?”

He shakes his head. “I didn’t fuck you. I didn’t even taste you beyond a few kisses.”

Relief reinflates me and I feel as if I can finally breathe again.

“I thought about it,” he confesses. “I’ve never fucked an unconscious woman before. It didn’t

seem appealing, but then you were lying here naked in my bed. If you hadn’t asked me so sweetly to

control myself, I might not have.”

I gasp as he uses his fingers to spread my pussy open and quickly squeeze my legs together

before he can push one into me. His body is getting closer, so I brace a hand on his muscular chest

and push him away. “Calvin…”

He lets go of my pussy and repositions. I know I should get out of the bed, but before I can put

that thought into action, he peels back the blanket and exposes my bare body to the cool night air. Then

he climbs on top of me, and the moment I feel his hardening cock pressed against my leg, I know what

I was so relieved didn’t happen will happen if I don’t find a way to stop him.

“Wait. Wait, please,” I say quickly, my mind racing for some way to stall him.

Calvin catches my hand, then dips his head and softly kisses the sensitive skin of my wrist. “I’ve

waited long enough, Hallie.”

“No. No, wait. Please,” I add more urgently, a little more sweetly since that seems to be what he

responds to.

He hesitates.

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