Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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So, so heavy.

My eyes drift closed. I’m resting my face against his shoulder, listening to the deep, calming tone

of his voice. “I think about your lips and how they would feel wrapped around my cock. The look in

your eyes when you know you’re well and truly trapped. If I could draw tears out of you when we’re

playing without breaking you altogether. If it will feel as good as I remember when I thrust deep

inside that perfect, velveteen pussy of yours and spill my seed again and again until it takes root.”

Wait, what?

I want to pull back. I try to, but I can’t. My body isn’t my own anymore.

Dimly, I feel him kiss my cheek, and then my jawline. I want to pull back, but for some reason,

I… I can’t.

Oh no.

“You lied,” I say thickly, or I try to, but my words get a little lost. “You lied to me.”

He said I could drink the wine, but I’ve been drunk on wine, drunker than two glasses, and I

didn’t feel like this.

He drugged me.

The fucker drugged me.

I look back at the table as Chef Ryan comes over to clear our third dinner course away. Dessert

was supposed to be next, but he’s taking the plates and the glasses. He looks like he’s cleaning up

after a finished meal, and we didn’t have dessert.

I’m dessert.

I knew it, but I let myself believe him.

“Remember when you lied to me, sweetheart?” he asks almost gently, despite what I know he’s


“No.” I do remember, but I’m not responding to that. The denial is for the vulnerable situation

he’s put me in. I need to get out of here, now, before the last of my wits have abandoned me.

Summoning all my strength, I yank my body away from him. I stumble and he grabs my waist, his

grip like iron.

“Be careful,” he commands like I’m a child who just picked up a priceless antiquity on display

in his home.

Only I’m the priceless treasure in this situation.

He’s afraid I’ll hurt me before he gets to.

I laugh at the absurdity, or I mean to, but my head is so thick and foggy, I can’t be sure any sound

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